Slugfest | Prepare for the ‘Summer of Superman’ in DC’s April solicitations

Plus: Fire & Ice, ‘We Are Yesterday’ and an uncrackable case for the Dark Knight!

Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you. This edition focuses on DC’s April 2025 solicitations. Hit the links for more information.

With James Gunn’s Superman film arriving this summer, it’s no surprise that the Man of Steel is front and center in DC’s publishing plans for the year. The “Summer of Superman” will officially kick off in April with Summer of Superman Special #1.

The one-shot will be written by three writers — incoming Superman Unlimited writer Dan Slott, current Superman writer Joshua Williamson and all-around Krypton-ologist Mark Waid. They’ll be joined by artist Jorge Jiménez for a three-act story that will feature the wedding of Lana Lang and John Henry Irons.

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DC’s 2025 Free Comic Book Day plans include ‘Superman Unlimited,’ Absolute Universe + more

The publisher has announced plans for three titles that’ll be available for the event on May 3.

Earlier today DC revealed some of their Free Comic Book Day plans when they announced Superman Unlimited, and they’ve followed that with an announcement about their full plans for 2025 — which will include three FCBD titles.

DC All In/Absolute Universe 2025 FCBD Special Edition will be a flipbook containing two stories — the previously announced “zero issue” of Superman Unlimited written by Dan Slott with art by Rafael Albuquerque and Marcelo Maiolo, and a new story set in the Absolute Universe by Absolute Flash writer Jeff Lemire, with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Stefano Nesi.

The other two titles will preview upcoming graphic novels — the early-reader targeted Superman’s Good Guy Gang and the middle-grade OGN Kanga-U: Tests and Tournaments.

You can find more information on all three titles below. Free Comic Book Day is May 3.

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Dan Slott + Rafael Albuquerque team for ‘Superman Unlimited’ this May

The new title signals the ‘Summer of Superman’ is coming.

Longtime Marve;/Spider-scribe Dan Slott is “all in” at DC this summer, as he and artist Rafael Albuquerque will launch a new Superman ongoing series, Superman Unlimited, in May.

DC will share a preview of the new series in DC All In 2025 FCBD Special Edition #1, as part of their Free Comic Book Day offering. They haven’t officially announced their FCBD plans yet, so it’s possible they could have other books as well.

Superman Unlimited is part of a bigger publishing initiative for the Superman family this summer, which they’re appropriately calling the “Summer of Superman.” Which of course lines up nicely with the big Superman movie by James Gunn that’s coming in July.

This isn’t Slott’s first time writing the character, as he wrote some issues of Superman Adventures early in his career. But writing an ongoing Superman title is something he’s been waiting to do ever since. His story already sounds like he’s taking a “Big Time” approach, as “Green K” begins transforming the world, the Daily Planet expands its reach and footprint under Lois Lane, and they even get a new IT pro from Gorilla City.

“He’s the first and the greatest superhero of all-time, and I’ve been waiting my whole life to tell stories about him,” said Slott, “Not just because of all the amazing powers he has, but because of who he is inside. Rafael Albuquerque and I are going to take him—and you—to places you’ll want to escape to every month. Millions of surprising ideas for Superman, Lois, the supporting cast, classic rogues, and all-new friends and foes too. If you’ve never read a Superman book, a DC book, or any comic book before—or if you’ve been a Superman fan your entire life—you couldn’t ask for a better place to take the leap and go all in than Superman Unlimited #1.”

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The ever lovin’ Hulkette debuts in ‘Spider-Boy’ #13

Another New Champion makes her debut next month.

Before the New Champions arrives next year, another of its members will make her in-comic debut. Hulkette, who first appeared on a variant cover for Sensational She-Hulk #1, will face off with Spider-Boy and Daredevil in Spider-Boy #13.

Created by artist Mirka Andolfo, Hulkette’s story will be told by Dan Slott and Paco Medina across several issues of Spider-Boy, including her origin.

“We’ll learn more about Hulkette and her powers as she faces off against Spider-Boy and Daredevil,” said Slott. “There’s a big surprise in store for Marvel fans when we finally drop the secret of her origins… but for now, if you want to see this pint-sized powerhouse throw her first punches on the page, this is the issue where her journey begins.”

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SDCC | Girls rule at Marvel this fall with the intros of a new Deadpool, Spider-Girl

Marvel revealed their plans for ‘Spider-Boy” and “Deadpool’ to retailers in San Diego.

At the Diamond Retailer Lunch at San Diego Comic-Con today, Marvel announced a new Spider-Girl will debut in the pages of Spider-Boy, while a familiar character will take up the Deadpool mantle after he (gulp) dies.

First, in October, a new Spider-Girl will debut in Spider-Boy #12, courtesy of Dan Slott, Michael Cho and Paco Medina. Slott worked with Cho to design the new character, which Medina will bring to life in the issue.

According to, “Spider-Girl’s mysterious backstory will supersede even Spider-Boy’s shocking origin! Just as the emergence of Spider-Boy turned the Spider-Verse inside out and fueled fan speculation for months, Spider-Girl has a story to share that will keep readers guessing and make Spider-Man, Spider-Boy, and all the rest question everything!”

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‘Superior Spider-Man’ will return as an ongoing series

Dan Slott and Mark Bagley will plot a new course for the character following the 10th anniversary one-shot.

Following the news from earlier in the week that Marvel would celebrate the 10th anniversary of Superior Spider-Man with a one-shot, the publisher announced in San Diego this weekend plans for a new Superior Spider-Man ongoing series.

Dan Slott and Mark Bagley will chart a new path for Doctor Octopus and Peter Parker, springing from their recent work on Spider-Man.

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Marvel celebrates the 10th anniversary of ‘Superior Spider-Man’ in a one-shot this October

Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman and more will reveal an untold ‘Superior’ tale.

It was 10 years ago that Dan Slott and Ryan Stegman kicked off one of the most controversial — and eventually acclaimed — runs on Spider-Man with Superior Spider-Man, which saw the dying Doctor Octopus switch his mind, Freaky Friday style, with Peter Parker.

Now Slott, Stegman and a host of artists will pay tribute to that anniversary in Superior Spider-Man Returns, a one-shot coming in October.

“The challenge Marvel gave me was: for the 10th anniversary, how can we revisit Superior, without repeating ourselves, and while telling a story that impacts Spider-Man’s world today?” Slott said. “Superior Spider-Man Returns is going to take an untold Superior tale, and drag it kicking, screaming, and violently exploding into the present. It’s going to give you everything you liked about Superior but in new surprising ways. No time travel. No clones. And no way we’re telling you how. Read the book!”

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‘Spider-Boy’ jumps into his own ongoing series in November

Or maybe he’s always had one?

Spider-Boy, the longtime sidekick of Spider-Man who made his debut in the recent Spider-Man #7, will star in his own ongoing series beginning in November.

The character’s co-creator, Dan Slott, will write Spider-Boy, joined by Paco Medina on art. The character’s other co-creator, Humberto Ramos, will provide covers. The series will explore his past and his ties to the Spider-Man mythos, as well as feature a team-up with Squirrel Girl.

“Spider-Man isn’t supposed to have a sidekick. That’s just wrong on so many levels. And that is exactly why we are going to have so much fun with this,” Slott said. “Both this character—and this new title—are going to break all the rules. Bailey Briggs is going to have over-the-top adventures in the Spider-Man corner of the Marvel Universe. He’ll be facing off against a mix of both all-new villains and fan-favorite Spidey bad guys. The one thing we can promise you, whenever you pick up a copy of Spider-Boy, we are going to take the weirdest and wildest swings with every single story! Our goal is to get every reader to ask two questions: ‘What in the hell did I just read?!’ and ‘When is the NEXT one coming out?!'”

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‘Spider-Man’ #7 will introduce Spider-Boy

Spider-Man’s long-lost sidekick will debut this week.

This Wednesday’s Spider-Man not only continues the “End of Spider-Verse” storyline by Dan Slott and Mark Bagley, but will also introduce a new character to the 616 — Spider-Boy.

No, he’s not another alternate universe version of Spider-Man. According to Marvel, he’s part of the 616 and is Spider-Man’s “long-lost sidekick.” Readers of that title know that Spider-Man was recently removed from the Web of Life (or whatever it’s called) and no doubt he’s going to be added back, and it looks like he’ll be getting a retconned sidekick as well. I’m getting some Dawn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibes here.

“I can’t wait for people to meet Bailey, and the unique role he’s going to play in both Spider-Man’s world and the Marvel Universe,” Slott told “I grew up reading Spider-Man comics. He’s my favorite character in all of fiction. All I ever wanted to do was tell stories with THIS cast, and it’s been the coolest thing ever to co-create some of the characters who populate it. And this kid, this Spider-Boy, is THE one I’m most psyched about!”

Here’s the variant cover for Spider-Man #7 by Spider-Boy co-creator Humberto Ramos: 

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Spider-Man’s gonna have a busy Fall

Marvel reveals more about the upcoming ‘Dark Web’ event, plus Gold Goblin, Hallow’s Eve and more.

As the temperatures cool down, the Spider-Verse will heat up — in San Diego this week, Marvel shared details on several Spider-Man related titles and events that will keep the wall-crawler busy through the end of the year.

First let’s talk about Dark Web, the Spider-Man/X-Men crossover event spearheaded by Zeb Wells that involves the Goblyn Queen and Chasm, aka Ben Reilly. The story will begin in “prelude” issues throughout November (in Amazing Spider-Man, for example), followed by December’s Dark Web Alpha #1 where Wells will be joined by Adam Kubert to kick things off in earnest. From there, the story continues in Amazing Spider-Man as well as various tie-in one-shots and limited series.  

Marvel released the cover for Dark Web Alpha, by Ryan Stegman. Here’s his line art:

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Slott + Bagley return to Spider-Man this fall

Two veteran Spider-Man creators team up for a new series that will feature the return of Morlun.

When you think of Marvel creators Dan Slott and Marrk Bagley, one word* comes to mind — Spider-Man. Between the two of them, they have probably written and drawn a million panels featuring Peter Parker’s alter-ego.**

And now they’re returning to the wall-crawler for a new series that will spin out of the upcoming Edge of Spider-Verse anthology series that Slott is contributing to — one titled, simply, Spider-Man.

“How does it feel to be writing Spider-Man again? Like I’m home,” Slott told “Like there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. How does it feel to be working on it with Mark Bagley, one of the greatest Spidey icons of all time?! Honored, excited, and unstoppable! Mark and I are two guys who live to tell Spider-Man stories. Cut us and we bleed Spider-Man. And now Marvel has entrusted the two of us to bring back their monthly– adjectiveless– Spider-Man title!”

The new series will feature Peter Parker working for Norman Osborn and using a — wait, a glider? Are we sure this is Spider-Man? It will also feature appearances by Miles Morales, Silk, Ghost-Spider, Spider-Woman and more, in a story called “The End of the Spider-Verse.”

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‘Amazing Fantasy’ #1000 celebrates 60 years of Spidey

Neil Gaiman, Kurt Busiek, Dan Slott, Ho Che Anderson, Rainbow Rowell and more contribute stories to the anthology one-shot.

For the 60th anniversary of Spider-Man, Marvel will return him to his roots with a new issue of Amazing Fantasy featuring stories by Neil Gaiman, Kurt Busiek, Dan Slott, Jim Cheung, Olivier Coipel and more.

Amazing Fantasy #1000, which takes its name from the comic where Spider-Man first debuted, Amazing Fantasy #15, will be a giant-sized anthology one-shot. The stories will “explores the past and future of Amazing Spider-Man storytelling in tales that leave a profound impact on the Spider-Man mythos and showcase why Spidey is one of the most beloved heroes in history,” according to

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