Vertigo turns 25 next year, and DC Comics co-publishers Jim Lee and Dan Didio revealed at New York Comic Con plans to relaunch the line next August. But that doesn’t mean we have to wait until then for new series announcements, as today Mark Doyle, Executive Editor of Vertigo, revealed two new miniseries in New York.
First up is Motherlands, from writer Si Spurrier and artist Rachael Stott, DC describes this as “a sci-fi series set in a future where universe-hopping bounty hunters are the new celebrities. A spotlight-shunning hunter named Tab finds herself in a race for her greatest prize yet, but to ID her target she’ll have to work with her fiercest rival and the most famous bounty hunter of all time—her mother.” The six-issue series arrives Jan. 31.
Then from writer Joshua Williamson and artist Riley Rossmo comes Deathbed, about “a former adventurer turned recluse who has re-emerged 20 years later. When reporter Valentine Richards is hired to get his story, she soon finds herself in an insane world of violence and supernatural adventure.” This one begins Feb. 21.
Check some additional art for each project below.

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