DC Comics will publish two maxi-series this summer starring well-known Superman supporting characters — Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.
As confirmed by the LA Times and DC’s July solicitations, Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins are teaming up on a “hardboiled” Lois Lane. “Lois Lane is the best investigative reporter in the DC [Universe],” Rucka told the Times. “This is our truth, and this is what the book is about.”
Jimmy Olsen, meanwhile, gets a “more fun and light and optimistic” series from Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber.
While Rucka has worked extensively at DC Comics over the years on such titles as Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Checkmate and other titles, this marks the first major work Fraction has done for the publisher.
Check out the first issue covers and solicitation information below.
written by GREG RUCKA
art and cover by MIKE PERKINS
variant cover by JENNY FRISON
On the road and out of Metropolis—and carrying a secret that could
disrupt Superman’s life—Lois Lane embarks on a harrowing journey to
uncover a threat to her husband and a plot that reaches the highest
levels of international power brokers and world leaders. Critically
acclaimed and best-selling author Greg Rucka and master storyteller Mike
Perkins team up for a tale of conspiracy, intrigue and murder that
pushes even Lois to her limits.
ON SALE 07.03.19
$3.99 US | 1 of 12 | 32 PAGES
written by MATT FRACTION
art and cover by STEVE LIEBER
variant cover by BEN OLIVER
Jimmy Olsen must die!
Wait, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Jimmy Olsen lives! Superman’s best friend and Daily Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen tours the bizarre underbelly of the DC Universe in this new miniseries featuring death, destruction, giant turtles and more! It’s a centuries-spanning whirlwind of weird that starts in Metropolis and ends in Gotham City. And then we kill Jimmy.
ON SALE 07.17.19
$3.99 US | 1 of 12 | 32 PAGES
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