Neal Adams will draw a new story starring the Fantastic Four — his first time to draw the team in a full-length adventure.
“I have always had the sense of missing the chance to draw the Fantastic Four,” Adams told “It was a quiet sense, since I’ve had every opportunity to do my favorites. More, I felt Kirby and Buscema had done it all, hadn’t they…? When Marvel’s Tom Brevoort asked if I’d like to do the Fantastic Four, I knew I had to ask for Galactus and the Silver Surfer as well. I am humbled and thankful to Tom for the opportunity.”

Adams will work with writer Mark Waid on the story. Mark Farmer will ink Adams, while Laura Martin provides colors.
“Working with Neal Adams has been a dream of mine since I was a kid. To share the page with a man of his talent is an honor,” Waid told “The story begins with the FF struggling to prevent an extinction event on Earth and just goes more cosmic from there. We all know of Galactus, but until now, no one has met his Antithesis.”
Fantastic Four: Antithesis #1 arrives in August.