Mail Call is a roundup of the announcements we’ve received from publishers in our mailboxes recently. Hit the links for more information.
Batman: The Joker War Zone #1 is a collection of short stories that tie into the upcoming “Joker Wars” storyline in Batman. The 48-page one-shot will include stories by James Tynion IV, John Ridley, Guillem March, James Stokoe, Joshua Williamson, David Lafuente and more.

The artwork above is from Stokoe’s contribution, a story featuring the new character Clownhunter. In the press release, DC says this is “the brutal full debut of the mysterious new anti-hero known as Clownhunter.”
And here are the anthology’s two covers, by Ben Oliver and Derrick Chew:
It comes out Sept. 29.

Image Comics has released a preview of Lost Soldiers, the new comic debuting in July from Aleš Kot, Luca Casalanguida and Heather Moore.
“The world needs bad men willing to do bad things so the world can stay good. That’s the story we tell ourselves so often, right?” said Kot. “Lost Soldiers is what happens when you buy into that idea so much that it becomes a curse. This is not a nihilistic story. But it is unflinching about the consequences of our actions. It spells them out in blood and pain and loss. And maybe, if you’re lucky, a sliver of hope.”

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has issued a guide to staying safe when hosting online events. “Just as you practice safety procedures in your classroom, library, or store, there’re ways to ensure your online events are safer for everyone too,” the organization says. “Using this resource is a great way to host fun online events that will help you anticipate issues and protect the well-being of everyone who attends.”

Aftershock Comics is giving retailers a 48-page one-shot, called Support Our Shops (S.O.S.) that comic shops can use “to best suit their individual needs and goals.” It will include stories from Cullen Bunn, Stephanie Phillips, Zac Thompson, Steve Orlando, Jamie McKelvie, Jerry Ordway and Aaron Douglas, with art from Leila Leiz, Don Kramer, Szymon Kudranski, Ro Stein & Ted Brandt, Gordon Purcell and Cliff Richards. David Mack did the cover, shown above. Retailer can chose to sell it, give it away or use it as an incentive. It will be sent out June 24 to Diamond’s top AfterShock accounts, with the top 200 getting 20 copies and the next 300 top accounts getting 10 copies.

In Coffin Bound #5, coming in August from Image Comics, creators Dan Watters and Dani will kick off a new storyline. “Taqa found solace in God—and that God lives in a syringe. With the city about to ban the holy narcotic, she vows to prove the existence of the divine, setting her on a path straight to the murderous Eartheater’s door.”