Fund Me Monday | ‘The Bone Herder,’ TCAF Showcase and more

Check out projects by Simon Roy, Malachi Ward, Rich Tommaso, Kyle Starks and more.

Crowdfunding continues to serve as a viable method for creators to fund their creative endeavors, as comic-related projects flourish on sites like Kickstarter, Patreon and IndieGoGo. The internet also allows creators to sell their creations direct to fans, through sites like Gumroad, Etsy and of course their own websites. If you’re looking to buy something from or support a creator directly, you’ve come to the right place. And that’s a good thing to do, now more than ever.

Send any suggestions of your own to

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Panosian + Ignazzi team for ‘An Unkindness of Ravens’

Five-issue miniseries about witches in high school begins in September.

Slots creator Dan Panosian is teaming with artist Marianna Ignazzi for a five-issue miniseries involving high school kids, witchcraft and hidden secrets. The wonderfully titled An Unkindness of Ravens will kick off from BOOM! Studios in September.

“Revenge is a dish best served monthly. Add some magic, murder and mystery—and you’re in for a treat,” Panosian said. “An Unkindness of Ravens is the kindest gift you can give yourself this summer.”

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