Image Comics has announced a new series by a Kubert School graduate — and a Kubert. Emma Kubert, granddaughter of legendary comics creator Joe Kubert, is teaming up with writer Rusty Gladd on Inkblot, a new fantasy series debuting in September. It involves cats.
“I’ve been working on Inkblot since I was a student at the Kubert school (about four years in the making). Growing up, I always thought comics were all about masculine super men, which wasn’t quite relatable, so I turned to the world of fantasy, like Harry Potter, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” said Kubert. “I loved the fantasy genre so much that I knew one day, I’d have to forge a world of my own. The creation of Inkblot was an extremely collaborative effort between Rusty and I. We both work in the same studio, talking about plots, checking each other’s work, and making sure everything fits seamlessly together. We each use our strengths to create our magically fun comic and epic fantasy world!”
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