Following the sexual misconduct accusations by many, many women against Warren Ellis that came to light this past week, DC Comics sent an update to retailers yesterday on the contents of Dark Nights: Death Metal Legends of the Dark Knights #1, which was originally intended to include a story by Warren Ellis and Jim Cheung, focused on the T-Rex Batman we saw in the first issue of Dark Knights: Death Metal. I was pretty excited about it when it was announced, but now? No.
DC will replace that story with one by Marguerite Bennett and Jamal Igle, according to comics retailer Ryan Higgins:
DC has made no mention yet of what will happen to The Batman’s Grave, the Ellis-written maxi-series that’s currently on its seventh issue. Issue #8 is scheduled to arrive July 7.
As for related reading, I would suggest this article from Dr. Nerdlove: “On Finding Out Your Heroes are Monsters (Or: Detoxifying A Culture).”
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