Here’s a round up of some of the best comics we’ve seen online recently. If we missed something, let us know in the comments below.
Graphic designer Milton Glaser passed away last week, and Incidental Comics creator Grant Snider posted this strip in his honor:

“RIP Milton Glaser, one of the greatest designers and illustrators of our time,” Snider wrote. “This comic was inspired by his iconic Bob Dylan poster.” In addition to the Dylan poster Snider referenced, Glaser is also known for his work for AMC’s Mad Men, designing the logo for the “I Love NY” campaign, his work on New York magazine and creating arguably the most recognizable DC Comics logo of the last 50 years, the “bullet” logo.
This one by Second Coming artist Richard Pace is about a month old now, yet it’s still very relevant to our current situation. Wear a mask, people. Don’t be like Pete.

“Ned” by Jillian Tamaki, which was published by the Virginia Quarterly Review, hits you right in the feels if you’ve ever lost an animal.

Adrian Tomine shares a story from his upcoming book, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Cartoonist, with The New Yorker. It’s about that time he went on NPR’s Fresh Air and, in his words, “choked.”

Finally, I always love it when Matt Bors’ cartoons feature a cameo by a certain time-traveling member of the Summers family. In this one, Cable makes a guest appearance to address the affect that removing statues will have on future generations.