Here’s a look at what’s arriving in comic shops, bookstores and on digital this week, from the newest graphic novel by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips to a sequel to the controversial Second Coming to a digital collection of the earliest issues featuring Milestone’s Static.
If you’re wondering what to get this week, check out a few recommendations below. ComicList has this week’s list of new comics arriving in stores, and the comiXology new releases page for what’s available digitally.

Ed Brubaker. Sean Phillips. ‘Nuff said, right? The duo return this week with Reckless, the first of three graphic novels from Image Comics featuring a new pulp hero named Ethan Reckless. This award-winning duo has mastered the craft of crime fiction, and they plan to release all three volumes of Reckless’ story in under a year. So get ready for a wild ride.

Peter J. Tomasi, who wrote DC’s previous two series starring Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne, once again brings Superboy and Robin together for Challenge of the Super Sons. The first chapter, drawn by Max Raynor, is available digitally this week, with a print edition coming in the future.

Over the summer, NBC News released a series of webcomics on their website created by Ethan Sacks, Dalibor Talajić and Bosung Kim for AWA Upshot, sharing true stories from the battle against COVID. Those comics have now been collected into print, and AWA will release COVID Chronicles this week.

The penultimate issue of DC’s insane crossover series arrives this week. Dark Nights: Death Metal #6 continues the battle against the Darkest Knight and the Robin King, and no doubt sets things up for the big conclusion, which arrives Jan. 6 — right before Future State kicks off.

Second Coming, the 2019 comics miniseries by Mark Russell and Richard Pace, was one of my favorite comics of last year, so I’m pretty excited to see its sequel. Second Coming: Only Begotten Son stars Sunstar, a Superman-like character whose origins will be explored in this new miniseries, and his roommate, Jesus Christ.

Steve Skroce, who has works both in comics (Amazing Spider-Man, We Stand on Guard, Doc Frankenstein) and the movies (Matrix, Cloud Atlas, I, Robot) returns with a new series he’s both writing and drawing, Post-Americana. It’s the story of a super bunker used by the super rich to survive the end of the world, and the wasteland girl “hellbent on revenge” against them.

Finally, on the digital front, DC/Milestone are finally releasing Milestone’s older content as a lead-up to the new content they’ve promised is coming next year. First up come the early issues of Static, featuring his origin and early adventures by Dwayne McDuffie, Robert L. Washington III, John Paul Leon and more.