Following the announcement about the new group of Amazing Spider-Man writers, Marvel has announced the artists they’ll be collaborating with on the adventures of Ben Reilly, who will take over as Spider-Man in what’s being called the “Beyond” era.
Patrick Gleason, who was already announced as a writer, will be the “bedrock” of the art team, according to Marvel, as he’ll be leading the design and doing the art on the oversized Amazing Spider-Man #75. He’ll be joined by Sara Pichelli, the co-creator of Miles Morales as well as Michael Dowling (Black Cat). Legendary artist Arthur Adams will provide covers.

They’ll join writers Zeb Wells, Kelly Thompson, Saladin Ahmed, Cody Ziglar and, as mentioned, Patrick Gleason on the title.
“When we started building ‘Beyond’ we knew we had to pull out all the stops from the artistic side,” Editor Nick Lowe said. “That began with making sure Patrick Gleason was with us from the get-go as a writer AND an artist. His recent webhead covers have rocked the industry showing yet another element to the incredible career that we all saw on display during his run on Amazing Spider-Man. He quickly stepped up to be our artistic cornerstone, but we also needed to make sure that whoever else joined him were elite talents.”
You can check out variant covers for issue #76, preview artwork and more in the gallery below: