With the Titans taking center stage at DC in the absence of a Justice League, DC has announced another new Titans project for July — Tales of the Titans, which mirrors the Tales of the New Teen Titans series by Marv Wolfman and George Perez back in the 1980s.
Each issue of the four-issue miniseries will feature a solo story starring one of the Titans who isn’t currently featured in their own title. Shannon Hale and Dean Hale will write the first issue, with Javier Rodríguez on art. Here’s the description of the issue, which “puts the spotlight on the alien princess and warrior Starfire”:

Her huge heart, huger hair, and fiery fists have made Starfire a fan-favorite member of the team! When a spaceship bearing Tamaranean markings crash-lands on Earth, Starfire goes on a solo mission to uncover its origins. But what awaits her on that journey will bring her back to the earliest days of her youth, to memories of two sisters eternally at war…and perhaps the chance to keep history from repeating itself.
Nicola Scott is doing the covers for all four issues, and they are very reminiscent of George Perez’s work — which I think makes a lovely tribute.
The second issue will feature Raven, by Tini Howard and Eleonara Carlini:

Issue #3 is by Steve Orlando and Kath Lobo, and boy do they have their work cut out for them, as their issue features Donna Troy (whose origin has always been like a “choose your own adventure” novel):

And finally, Beast Boy takes the spotlight in the final issue, in a story by Andrew Constant with art by Brandt & Stein:

The first issue will have variant covers by Javier Rodríguez, Fatima Wajid and a Titans special foil variant by Chris Samnee:
As mentioned above, this series mirrors the Tales of the New Teen Titans miniseries from 1982, which revealed the origins of Starfire, Raven, Cyborg and Changeling (as Beast Boy was known at the time). The miniseries was set during a camping trip that the Titans took to get to know each other, with each of the newer members telling their story to the others.
The first issue of Tales of the Titans will arrive in July.
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