With the final issue of Blue Beetle: Graduation Day arriving this week, DC has announced that Jaime Reyes’ adventures will continue in September with an ongoing series by the same creative team of writer Josh Trujillo and artists Adrian Gutiérrez, Wil Quintana and Lucas Gattoni.
The miniseries introduced two new beetles, Dynastes and Nitida, and they’ll continue to play a role in the new series, with the first arc titled “Scarab War.”
Here’s how DC describes the new series:
Jaime Reyes’ graduation is over, but his new life in Palmera City and as the Blue Beetle has only just begun! With two new beetles to train in Dynastes and Nitida, Jaime has his hands full navigating being a leader. Thankfully, he has Paco and Brenda by his side as they settle in at Palmera State University. But what lurks in the shadows of Blue Beetle’s new home and what does it mean for the Blue Beetle legacy?
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day was one of four projects to make it to the final rounds of DC’s Round Robin competition back in 2021. Although Robins ultimately won that contest, DC moved forwarded with the Graduation Day limited series as well. DC has released each issue of the miniseries in both English and Spanish. A collection of the miniseries will arrive in stores on Aug. 1, a few weeks before a Blue Beetle feature film arrives in theaters.