The story of Mech Cadet Yu will continue in comics this summer just as it starts up on TV. BOOM! Studios has announced Mech Cadets by Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa, with colors by Ian Herring.
Mech Cadet Yu debuted back in 2017 and ran for 12 issues. It’s since been collected in three trade paperbacks, with a collection of all 12 issues due out today. It’s about an interstellar war, an alien invasion, giant robots and the unlikely teenager who finds himself at the center of it all. The new series picks up after Stanford Yu and his fellow pilots saved the world.
“The original Mech Cadet Yu series is one of my favorite of all the things I’ve ever written, so I’m beyond thrilled to be working with Tak on the next chapter in the Mech Cadets saga,” said Pak. “Tak’s bringing all his magic to every page and every panel, with that special combination of incredible genre thrills, amazing humor, and fantastic emotional subtlety. And all of our characters are a bit older and the world has gotten a bit more complex, with some shocking twists and challenges. I’m biased, of course, but it feels vital and real and just as fun as ever, and I can’t wait for y’all to see it!”

Here’s the description from BOOM!:
Stanford Yu, Olivia Park, Maya Sanchez, and Frank Olivetti are back in action! After saving the world from the threat of a Sharg invasion, Sky Corps heralds the cadets as Earth’s best hope with the man-made Suprarobo Hero Force 2–and Olivia–at its center. But not only is the chain of command strained between the cadets and Sky Corps Generals, there is more to their relationships with the symbiotic, sentient giant Robos they pilot than anyone could have guessed…and the alien threat of the Sharg is far more epic and widespread than any could imagine!
“I’m thrilled to be able to work with Greg again on the next chapter of the Mech Cadet Yu series. I’ve missed these characters and can’t wait to dive back into the world and experience the ups and downs that Greg is so wonderful at creating,” said Miyazawa. “The first series was a big test for my skills as an artist and I’m eager to face new artistic challenges and visualize the world once again.”
Here’s a look at the variant covers for the first issue by Sonny Liew, Junggeun Yoon and a black-and-white version of the main cover by :
And here are a few preview pages:
The first issue of Mech Cadets lands in stores Aug. 9.