With a Rom omnibus (Romnibus?) on the horizon, it isn’t too surprising to see that Marvel and Hasbro will also collect the original Micronauts series, also in the omnibus format.
Micronauts: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Volume 1 will arrive in April 2024. And just like Rom, Marvel was also re-release the very first issue of Micronauts as a facsimile edition in September.

Like Rom, the Micronauts comic was based on a toy line from the 1970s. Mego created the science fiction toys, which were based on and licensed from the Japanese company Takara’s Microman line. The Micronauts toyline included characters like Biotron, Acroyear, Baron Karza and Microtron — who would also appear in the comics. Marvel also created several characters for it, like Bug and Marionette, who they owned and would appear in comics even after the license lapsed. Bug even joined the Guardians of the Galaxy for a time.
Marvel published Micronauts well after the toy line left shelves, with Bill Mantlo writing the title for most of its run. It featured art by a who’s who of artists at the time, including Michael Golden, Gil Kane, Howard Chaykin, Steve Ditko, Keith Giffen and more. The original series lasted 59 issues, and was followed by Micronauts: The New Voyages, which lasted for 20 issues. It was written by Peter B. Gillis and drawn by Butch Guice, the latter of whom also drew The X-Men and the Micronauts miniseries, which was co-written by Mantlo and Chris Claremont.
Here’s a look at the main cover for the omnibus, Dave Cockrum’s artwork from the first issue of the series (which will also appear on the facsimile edition):

There will also be variant covers by Guice, which you can see at the top of this post, as well as Steve Ditko:

and Michael Golden:

Ok, now do G.I. Joe and Transformers next …
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