While shifting from buying print comics to digital comics has some advantages (storage space!), one of the downsides is that you no longer have something for creators to sign at conventions. DSTLRY plans to change that with DSTLRY Remarques, a new feature that, along with one called DSTLRY Proof, will debut this weekend at the San Diego Comic Con.
“DSTLRY Remarques and DSTLRY Proof exemplify our mission to merge the traditional comic experience with groundbreaking digital advancements,” said DSTLRY co-founder David Steinberger. “These features not only enhance the collector’s experience but also ensure that our creators are continuously supported through perpetual royalties via our digital marketplace.”
Per the press release, DSTLRY Remarques “allows creators to sign and sketch on digital editions of DSTLRY issues and books, creating completely individualized and re-sellable editions.” DSTLRY only offers digital single issues through their own proprietary marketplace, rather than through other platforms like Comixology. That gives them some control over additional features they can add to enhance the experience — like this one.
Here’s how it’ll work:

- You’ll display a QR code from their DSTLRY digital comic library to a creator you meet at a convention.
- Verified creators will have a signing app they’ll use to scan your QR code, pull up your specific copy of the comic and sign the digital edition or draw a sketch on a tablet in front of you.
- When completed, the signature or sketch is sent to the DSTLRY servers and recorded with full verification of the signature, and will be displayed when reading the edition.
“I love how many options there are for reading comics these days, but when people find me at a convention and tell me their collection is digital the only thing I can do is joke about signing their iPad. Now I actually can?!” said Somna co-creator Becky Cloonan. “DSTLRY Remarques is a game-changer! I can’t wait to see how it develops.”
DSTLRY will debut the technology at SDCC booth this weekend (#2314), where you can get your comics — both digital and print — signed by folks like Cloonan, Tula Lotay, Mirka Andolfo and more. Here’s their schedule:

For now sketches and signatures will have a limited color palette, but they hope to add full-color capabilities in the future.
But that isn’t the only feature DSTLRY is introducing this weekend. Digital Proof is described as “a digital ownership verification tool.” DSTLRY gives digital comic owners all sorts of perks, like access to special covers of other DSTLRY titles, but it’s all been online thus far. Now they plan to expand this to the real world.
The first application of DSTLRY Proof will be for obtaining an item from the company at SDCC, the Mominu x Somna limited-edition vinyl designer art toy created by Junko Mizuno:

Inspired by Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay’s character Ingrid from their DSTLRY series Somna, this art toy will be offered for sale in an extremely limited run of 20 units per day over the five days of SDCC, but only to those with proof that they own digital copies of Somna or The Devil’s Cut on DSTLRY’s digital platform.
Hey, that’s me! I wish I was going to the con. This one works a lot like the Remarques feature, in that you’ll go to your marketplace account and generate a QR code to show you own the titles in question.
“These new tools reflect our dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the comic book industry,” said DSTLRY’s other co-founder, Chip Mosher. “By providing ways for fans to engage more deeply with their favorite creators and proving the value of digital ownership, we’re setting a new standard for how comics can be enjoyed and collected in the digital age.”