Thompson + Izzo commit crimes in remote places in ‘Blow Away’

The neo-noir thriller will arrive from BOOM! Studios in April.

Writer Zac Thompson and artist Nicola Izzo will channel their inner Hitchcock on Blow Away, a crime thriller kicking off at BOOM! this spring.

The story’s about a wildlife videographer who, while on a remote video shoot, may have witnessed and filmed a murder.

“Ever since I first watched Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation, I’ve dreamt of telling a paranoid thriller story. Blow Away is that dream made manifest through an incredible collaboration with Nicola,” said Thompson, whose known for his work on Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage LandThe Marvelous X-Men and The Dregs. “We’ve crafted a neo-noir mystery about obsession and the slippery and subjective nature of the truth. Really, it’s a big love letter to Brian De Palma and Alfred Hitchcock where suspense is the driving force on every page.”

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Michael Avon Oeming reveals the secret history of England in ‘William of Newbury’

The new miniseries kicks off in May.

Powers and Blue Book co-creator Michael Avon Oeming is flying solo on a new miniseries that’s “loosely based on real events in 12th century England.” “Loosely” because, presumably, the actual events didn’t involve a raccoon monk who fought supernatural threats.

William of Newbury, thankfully, does include a cuddly raccoon monk who fights supernatural threats.

“William of Newbury wrote the first history of England,” said Oeming. “Which included accounts of the undead rising from graves and demons flying in the air. I love weird history and William personified it. Come and have some spooky fun with me; Newbury is a safe place to be scared!”

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Remender + Bengal present the explosive ‘Napalm Lullaby’ in March

Rick Remender returns to superheroes for the first time in a decade.

Death or Glory creators Rick Remender and Bengal will re-team this year for a high-octane superhero story, Napalm Lullaby. The comic will be released through Remender’s Giant Generator imprint at Image Comics.

Napalm Lullaby and The Holy Roller are my first forays into superheroes since I left Marvel a decade ago,” said Remender. “At one point in time, I promised myself never to return to this genre—but when this idea [for Napalm Lullaby] hit, it was too exciting not to make it real. Fortunately, my longtime collaborator and friend Bengal agreed, and we set out to make an apocalyptic superhero story unlike anything you’ve seen or read. We’ve been developing this story for years and it couldn’t have more love dumped into it. Ben has made sure every single page is a work of art.”

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FCBD 2024: Marvel’s ‘Blood Hunt,’ Spider-Man India, Dark Horse, Flash Gordon and more

Several publishers have revealed more about their plans for Free Comic Book Day 2024.

As we move into the new year, several companies have revealed additional details on their Free Comic Book Day plans for 2024. This year’s event will be held May 4 and will feature about 50 titles from various publishers.

And those publishers include Marvel, Dark Horse and Mad Cave, who have shared more about what to expect from this year’s titles. Let’s dig in …

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The new, evil Ghost Rider will release his vengeance in March

A Marvel villain takes the mantle from Johnny Blaze in ‘Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance’ by Benjamin Percy and Danny Kim.

After teasing that Johnny Blaze would drop the Ghost Rider mantle to someone unexpected, Marvel has revealed who exactly will become the new Spirit of Vengeance — and it is Parker Robbins, aka the street-level supernatural villain The Hood.

The Hood will assume his new role in Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance in March, by regular Ghost Rider scribe Benjamin Percy and artist Danny Kim.

“The Hood wants a taste of the big-time. And he’s made a deal with the devil to help him on his way,” Percy said. “This is what happens when the Spirit of Vengeance is stripped from Johnny Blaze and grafted on to a character who has no moral compass. An epic crime saga—flavored with horror—awaits readers in Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance.”

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More High Republic Adventures crash-land at Dark Horse

A one-shot featuring Alys “Crash” Ongwa and a miniseries featuring former Jedi Ty Yorrick will arrive this spring.

Dark Horse has announced two more projects that look back at the pre-Skywalker Star Wars universe, back in the heyday of the Jedi. Return to the High Republic era in the one-shot subtitled Crash Landing and the four-issue Saber for Hire miniseries.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III—Crash Landing is by the team of Daniel José Older (author of several Star Wars: The High Republic novels), artist Rachele Aragno and colorist Michael Atiyeh, with letters by Comicraft.

The story features Alys “Crash” Ongwa, who hails from the same planet that would eventually give us Han Solo — Corellia, which is known for producing ships and pilots. Corellia fell into chaos because of the Nihil conflict, which has been central to the overall High Republic saga.

“Crash and her wild outlaw team of bodyguards are some of my favorite Star Wars characters to write,” Older said, “and I’ve had this story about how they deal with the aftermath of war inside me for a long time, trying to get out. I’m so excited to be able to tell it now with this amazing team, and rest assured we haven’t heard the last of Crash and her crew.” 

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Vault announces a ‘Deathstalker’ comic series

Slash, Steven Kostanski, Tim Seeley, Jim Terry and Kurt Michael Russell will bring the cult classic sword-and-sorcery movie franchise to comics.

Following their successful Kickstarter campaign, Vault Comics has announced a Deathstalker comic series for next year.

Presented by Guns’N’Roses guitarist Slash and based on a story by Steven Kostanski, Deathstalker will feature the work of writer Tim Seeley (Hack/SlashMoney Shot), artist Jim Terry (Come Home, Indio), and colorist Kurt Michael Russell (Money Shot).

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X-Men ’97 comic leads into the Disney+ show

Steve Foxe and Salva Espín return to the world of ‘X-Men: The Animated Series’ in a new miniseries.

Steve Foxe and Salva Espín, the duo behind Marvel’s X-Men ’92: House of XCII, will reunite for another miniseries based on the animated mutants — a four-issue X-Men ’97 series that leads into the upcoming animated show on Disney+.

“There’s a very good chance I wouldn’t be writing comics today if not for the impact X-Men: The Animated Series had on me as a kid—heck, the voice actors from the show are still the voices I hear when I read the comics today!” Foxe said. “Getting to reunite with my X-Men ’92: House of XCII collaborator Salva Espín on this official prelude to X-Men ’97 has felt like a bucket-list project a lifetime in the making, and Beau [DeMayo] and the rest of the ’97 team gave us a fantastic runway to come up with our own original tale that feeds right into what viewers will get to experience in the new season.”

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‘Minor Threats’ returns next year with a sequel miniseries

Writers Patton Oswalt and Jordan Blum, along with artist Scott Hepburn, return to Redport to spotlight the reigning queen of crime.

Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum and Scott Hepburn will return to the world of Minor Threats next year with a sequel miniseries, Minor Threats: The Fastest Way Down. Joined by colorist Ian Herring and letterer Nate Piekos, the team will return to the world of Minor Threats with a story that focuses on Frankie Follis, AKA the costumed criminal Playtime, AKA the new Queenpin of crime.

“We’re thrilled to get the chance to return to Twilight City and continue Frankie’s story,” said Blum. “It’s important to us that every chapter has its own unique crime-fiction flavor. If volume one was our ‘survive the night’ thriller then volume two is our ‘Godfather part 2’ sprawling epic. It’s one thing to name yourself the Queenpin of super-crime, it’s another to defend it. Playtime will learn that with great power… comes rival Holiday-themed gangs, vengeful teen sidekicks, haunting superhero ghosts and unearthed secrets that will threaten everything she’s built.”

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Campbell + Zonno gear up for the the post-apocalyptic sports comic ‘I Heart Skull-Crusher’

The first issue from BOOM! Box arrives in March.

Josie Campbell and Alessio Zonno will team for a new series from BOOM! Studios’ BOOM! Box imprint next year.  I Heart Skull-Crusher is about an aspiring player of Screaming Pain Ball, the most popular sport in post-apocalyptic America, and her journey to becoming just like her favorite pro, Skull-Crusher.

“I am BEYOND thrilled to bring I Heart Skull-Crusher to life with the talented Alessio; it’s everything I love–queer characters, anime influences, action, comedy, broken hearts, broken bones, Post-Apocalypse death matches–wrapped up in one gorgeous package. This is the story I’ve been wanting to tell for years!” Campbell said

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Get ready for more Kid Venom

Manga creator Taigami takes Venom back to the past for a 10th century adventure.

Kid Venom, the breakout star of Death of the Venomverse, will leap into his own miniseries next year by Taigami (Unsung Hero).

Kid Venom is Kintaro, a 10th century Japanese hero who bonded with a symbiote to save his village from evil symbiotes.

“Kid Venom was based on a one shot that I sent for a manga contest Shonen Magazine and Marvel held in 2018. One of the rules for the contest was [to use a theme or a character from Marvel and write and draw a first episode for a new series], and the theme that I chose was symbiote,” Taigami said.

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Bunn + Piazzalunga’s over-the-top horror romp lands next year

‘Monsters Are My Business (And Business is Bloody)’ will debut from Dark Horse in April.

Dark Horse this week announced a new miniseries from horror mastermind Cullen Bunn and Happy Horror Days artist Patrick Piazzalunga. Monsters Are My Business (And Business is Bloody) is described as “an over the top, colorful, vibrant world of horrors,” and features colors by Marco Brakko and letters by Jim Campbell.

“Some time ago, Patrick and I were discussing working together on a new creator-owned title,” said Bunn. “He sent me some concept sketches of this big, burly biker type and a chainsaw-wielding, cigar-smoking koala bear. From there, we discussed building a story of elder gods, mutant cults, mercenary necromancers, and a lot of bloody good violence. Monsters Are My Business was born! I am just in awe of Patrick’s ability to fuse horror and action and comedy so seamlessly. Readers are going to dig this book!”

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