Jim Lee + Jeph Loeb will return to ‘Batman’ for ‘Hush 2’

Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez will wrap up their run on ‘Batman’ in February.

A classic Batman tale will get a sequel next year as Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee reunite for Hush 2, a sequel to their 2002 story arc that introduced us to the villain Hush.

They’ll be joined on the six-issue storyline by their collaborators Scott Williams, Alex Sinclair and Richard Starkings, who return as inker, colorist and letterer, respectively.

Hush 2 will run in the regular Batman title beginning in March, and will last for six issues, Lee revealed during his Jim Lee & Friends panel at the New York Comic Con. A prelude to the story will appear in Justice League Unlimited #1, which comes out Nov. 27. Lee shared some preliminary artwork on his Instagram.

This also means that Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez’s run on the title will end in February, which Zdarsky said was his choice in his latest newsletter.

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Jeph Loeb + Tim Sale’s most beloved Batman story gets a sequel in September

Loeb will team with Eduardo Risso, Klaus Janson and more for ‘The Last Halloween.’

Prior to his death, Tim Sale was working with his frequent collaborator Jeph Loeb on a sequel to their career-defining Batman maxi-series, The Long Halloween. That sequel will continue on, according to DC, who officially announced The Last Halloween at MCM London last month.

Loeb will write the 10-issue series and will be joined by a different artist on each issue, starting with 100 Bullets artist Eduardo Risso. Klaus Janson, known for his work on books like Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Daredevil, will draw the second issue, while Mark Chiarello, the former art director for DC, will draw the third issue. They’ll be joined by letterer Richard Starkings, who worked on the original series, and colorist Dave Stewart.

“Batman The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween is Tim Sale’s parting gift to me,” Loeb said. “Tim and I had already decided to tell this last chapter following Batman: The Long Halloween Special, which will serve as the prologue to this 10-part action-packed mystery.”

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