Marvel will ‘Bring On The Bad Guys’ this summer

Doctor Doom, Mephisto, Loki and more will star in a series of seven connected one-shots.

Marvel will resurrect an old title for a new event this summer. The publisher will pay tribute to Bring On The Bad Guys, a collection of villain-focused origin stories published in the 1970s, with a connected series of seven one-shots.

Marc Guggenheim and Stefano Raffaele will kick things off with Bring On The Bad Guys: Doctor Doom in June, followed by comics featuring Green Goblin, Loki, Abomination, Red Skull, Dormammu and Mephisto, which will take us through August. Creative teams for subsequent volumes have not been announced.

These are the seven villains featured on John Romita Sr.’s cover of the original collection:

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Marvel marks 60 years of Daredevil next month

Saladin Ahmed, Aaron Kuder, Ann Nocenti, Stefano Raffaele, D.G. Chichester and more will contribute to the oversized ‘Daredevil’ #8.

Marvel will celebrate the 60th anniversary of Daredevil next month in Daredevil #8, an oversized issue featuring multiple stories by past and present creators who worked on the title.

And there’s a lot to look forward to in the anniversary issue. It will include a main story by Saladin Ahmed and Aaron Kuder, who relaunched the title last year and cast Matt Murdock as a priest, as he continues to battle demons based on his own seven deadly sins. Other creators contributing to the issue include Ann Nocenti, D.G. Chichester and Erica Schultz, who have written Daredevil in the past, as well as the two artists I most associate with the character: John Romita Jr. drew the main cover, while Frank Miller did a variant.

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Rest in Peace, John Romita Sr.

The iconic artist of ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ and art director for Marvel passed away at the age of 93.

John Romita Sr., one of the greatest Spider-Man artists of all time and the amn who defined the look of many Marvel characters across several decades, has passed away, his son reported on social media. He was 93 years old.

“He was the greatest man I ever met,” John Romita Jr. said on Twitter. He said his father passed away “peacefully in his sleep.”

While Romita’s career started in the late 1940s with runs at Timely and then DC, where he drew romance comics in the late 1950s and 1960s, he’s best known for his long tenure at Marvel. He joined the company in 1965 to draw Daredevil, but soon replaced the departing Steve Ditko on Amazing Spider-Man, the character he’d most be associated with.

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Slugfest | ‘Summer of Symbiotes’ leads to ‘Death of the Venomverse’

Plus: Marvel Artist’s Editions, Dark Horse graphic novels, Spider-Verse, variant covers and more!

Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you. Hit the links for more information.

Marvel has revealed more details and a teaser image for Summer of Symbiotes, something they teased last October along with several other events for 2023. It’s less of a single-story crossover and more of a moniker they are using to describe a whole bunch of different symbiote-themed series, miniseries and events.

While many of the events teased on the image we’ve heard of before, like Carnage Reigns and Extreme Venomverse, there is one new one listed — Death of the Venomverse, which echoes the Death of the Spiderverse storyline we’re seeing in Spider-Man.

Here’s the description from Marvel:

It’s all leading to this! The epic adventures above are spiraling towards an explosive destination, and not all of your favorite symbiotes will survive the journey. The Carnage symbiote is more bloodthirsty than ever and heads to the multiverse for its greatest killing spree yet. But what is it after? Find out more when this upcoming limited series is announced at the Marvel Comics: Spider-Man & the Venomverse Panel at C2E2 2023!

C2E2 is coming up this weekend. Here’s the full teaser image:

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