Fantagraphics has announced plans to collect underground comic The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers into four volumes, starting with The Idiots Abroad and Other Follies in January.
In the main story, the three titular brothers — Freewheelin’ Franklin, Phineas and Fat Freddy — head to Columbia to buy drugs, but end up separated and scattered around the world. The first volume will also feature 70 pages of Freak Brothers short stories.

Created in the late 1960s by Gilbert Sheldon, The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers first appeared in 1968 in an issue of The Rag, an underground newspaper published in Austin, Texas, and eventually was syndicated to other underground newspapers around the world. Sheldon also self-published a comic, Feds’n’Heads, that year, which marked their first comic book appearance. Sheldon eventually helped found Rip Off Press, which would published comics featuring the brothers, a spinoff starring their cat and other notable underground comics. In the late 1970s, artist Paul Mavrides joined Sheldon on the series, and some of the comics he worked on will be included in the new collection.
Since their debut, the brothers have gone to sell more than 45 million comics in 16 languages worldwide. An animated series is set to launch in 2021.
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers: The Idiots Abroad and Other Follies will include 160 pages of material for $19.99. It arrives in stores in January.
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