In honor of the 40th anniversary of his much-beloved, long-running comic Grendel, Matt Wagner and Dark Horse will release a “Master’s Edition” of “Devil by the Deed,” the introductory story of Hunter Rose that originally appeared as a back-up in Mage.
The project was announced at the Grendel 40th Anniversary Panel at the Rose City Comic Con earlier this month.
For the Master’s Edition, Wagner is completely redrawing the story and expanding it to fill an entire graphic novel.
” … despite the legacy it spawned, the original version of DBTD is surprisingly short…only 37 pages in length,” Wagner said. “When I first proposed the idea of my entirely re-doing this seminal Grendel narrative—the story of Hunter Rose—as an original graphic novel that would feature new art and expand the original tale to 120 pages, Dark Horse was enthusiastically on board. I’m extremely happy with the results and feel like this book lives up to its new designation—the Master’s Edition.”
It looks like Wagner has made a lot of progress on the project:
The Master’s Edition will be colored by Brennan Wagner, and Dark Horse plans to release it next summer.