Michael Avon Oeming (Powers) and Victor Santos (Polar) are pulling out all the stops in their new graphic novel Project Monarch — a story that will involve fake moon landings, the Illuminati, child stars turned assassins and a film that can control minds.
It sounds bonkers and like a lot of fun.
“This story was born in a time when we needed to deal with uncertainty everyday,” said Santos. “So this is a book about embracing chaos and living nonetheless, and I can’t imagine a better partner for this crazy trip than Mike Oeming.”

Here’s the graphic novel’s description from Dark Horse:
Legendary film director Stanley Bowman has been indoctrinated into a Faustian deal that has ruined his life. He faked the moon landing, manipulated viral celebrity meltdowns, and filmed dozens of conspiracies to serve the goals of the Illuminati. But his loyalty gets called into question when he is forced to create an occult film so powerful the public will fall under complete control. Only his adopted child-star assassins can save him, his family, and expose the truth.
“We live in a post-conspiracy society where irony is dead, and reality becomes nearly impossible to out-satire, so I think this is perfect timing for Project Monarch,” Oeming said.
Look for it in stores on Sept. 26.