The Unity Squad will return in a new title later this year as a part of the Fall of X event, Marvel revealed yesterday during a virtual event celebrating the 60th anniversary of the X-Men.
Uncanny Avengers will return to store shelves starting in August by the team of Gerry Duggan and Javier Garron. But before that they’ll appear in a story in Marvel’s Avengers/X-Men Free Comic Book Day title coming in May, and the need for their return will be revealed in July’s X-Men: Hellfire Gala one-shot, which kicks off the Fall of X storyline.
“Everything we’ve been working towards in our third act is coming to a head this summer,” Duggan said. “The Uncanny Avengers have existed to provide an example of unity between humanity and mutantdom, and they will need to work extra hard at that now as relationships and friendships have frayed in the events of Fall of X.”

Team members will include Captain America, Rogue, Deadpool, Quicksilver, Psylocke and Penance, and one of their first foes will be an all-new, murderous Captain Krakoa. You might remember that was Cyclops’ alter-ego for a short time when the world thought he was dead (and before the X-Men’s resurrection protocols were revealed to the world). The first issue arrives Aug. 16.
Marvel also revealed Phil Noto’s cover for this year’s Hellfire Gala special:

Duggan will be joined by several artists on the giant-sized one-shot, including Kris Anka, Joshua Cassara, Russell Dauterman, Adam Kubert, Pepe Larraz, R.B. Silva and Luciano Vecchio. Marvel promises the comic, which arrives July 26, will include “shocking revelations, stunning betrayals, horrifying tragedy, impossible deaths” as well as the big reveal of the X-Men fan vote from earlier this year. Marvel also announced plans for a real-life Hellfire Gala hosted by Disney’s D23 that will be held at Comic-Con International in San Diego this summer.
But wait! There’s more. Besides all the Fall of X reveals, Marvel also announced two new X-projects arriving on their Marvel Unlimited service.

Their X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic will kick off a new storyline with issue #80 by Grace Freud, Alberto Alburquerque and Yen Nitro featuring Jubilee, Mojo and a new team of “Unofficial X-Men.” The first chapter is up at the link above, and it’s worth a read just for the last panel alone.

Then, we finally get the answer to the question we’ve all been asking, “When is Negasonic Teenage Warhead getting her own series?” Which, technically, this may not be, but until then, she’ll be featured in a new Infinity Comic by Andrew Wheeler, Carola Borelli and Brittany Peer.
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