Disenchantment, the animated Netflix series from Matt Groening that’s run for four seasons (with a fifth on the way), will come to comics later this year courtesy of Titan Comics.
Disenchantment: Untold Tales Volume 1 will collect two limited-release comics as well as bunch of previously unreleased material featuring Bean, Elfo, Luci and more. Titan plans two additional volumes as well.
According to the publisher, only the first two issues of these comics were ever released as a convention exclusive in 2019. Meanwhile, 500 pages and 17 issues of original strips with new stories were left unpublished. The first graphic novel will also feature exclusive content from the show’s creators.
Here’s the description:
Disenchantment: Untold Tales Volume 1
(Writer/Artist) Matt Groening
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC, 224pp, $24.99, On Sale: September 19, 2023
ISBN: 9781787741577
No, you’re not dreaming, it’s DREAMLAND IN PRINT!
That’s right, your favorite princess, demon, and elf-hybrid-thing from Matt Groening’s popular animated series DISENCHANTMENT is now available in comic form! Easily streamable right to your brain via your eyes with no pesky Wi-Fi needed! Here lies the first of THREE all-new, all-comic volumes chronicling the stories you didn’t see on screen.
Adventure above the clouds, in the forest, and beyond the seas… well, beyond one sea. But it’s a new one! There are Beans to meet and beans to eat and beans to plant and Beans who just can’t. There are giants in the sky and beers on tap, a unicorn and something that is not at all a unicorn. Including “educational” and “informational” inserts to enhance your reading pleasure!
Let us carry you back to Dreamland for new quests, new friends, new foes, and maybe a cocktail along the way, in these exciting comic adventures!
Here’s a preview:
Look for it in stores in Sept. 19.