The crew of the Serenity will fly once again this fall in a new miniseries by Sam Humphries, Jordi Perez and Francesco Segala.
Firefly: The Fall Guys will find Mal and the crew dealing with organized crime and local politics (is that redundant?) as they attempt to make some bank to keep the Serenity in the sky.
“So thrilled to be welcomed into the Firefly ‘verse. I love Westerns, so bringing the best bandits in the galaxy back to their buckaroo roots with a fantastic artist like Jordi has been a dream,” said Humphries. “Don’t worry, there’s still a giant gorram spaceship in the first issue. Yee haw!”

Here are the details from BOOM!:
The crew is broke and out of luck. They’ll have to deal with some of their shadier associates if Serenity is going to keep flying. What seems like an easy job in town for half the crew quickly turns sideways when feds, untrusting locals, and a high-profile politician get thrown into the mix…
“Although it’s not the first time I’ve worked on Firefly, each time is new and special,” said Perez. “Sam’s script is giving me a great time drawing lots of adventure and fun. The Western essence of the series will be VERY present. I hope you all enjoy it”.
Here’s a look at the first issue’s variant covers by Justine Florentino and Ariel Olivetti:
Look for the first issue on Sept. 6.