Night Thrasher, the skateboard-riding rich kid who took to superheroing after the death of his parents, will return in a new miniseries next year by J. Holtham and Nelson Dániel.
The new series will give the founder of the New Warriors a new look and a new archenemy, while rekindling his relationship with fellow New Warrior member Silhouette.
Created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz in the pages of Thor before jumping into the New Warriors series by Fabian Nicieza and Mark Bagley, the character is one of many that epitomizes that early 1990s era of comics. While it appeared he died during Civil War in the battle that kicked off the event, he was actually saved by The Collector, as revealed in Contest of Champions a few years back.

“Obviously, there’s a ton of 90s nostalgia floating around. It feels like a dude on a skateboard is always going to be cool and fun. I’m from the 90s and I have aged and there’s a lot in this that is about, ‘What’s your legacy? What have you left behind?,’ especially because we haven’t seen him for a while. He had to go on a journey of self-discovery and hung out [in] other places for a while to process that ‘I was dead then I wasn’t dead.’ And then, ‘What’s the world like?’ It’s mostly about him coming home to deal with the crap that he has not dealt with,” Holtham said.
The night will be thoroughly thrashed in the new miniseries:
It’s time to thrash the night! The death of a loved one draws Dwayne Taylor back to New York City, though his days as Night Thrasher are long over. But Dwayne finds the past difficult to outrun when Silhouette, his ex-teammate from the New Warriors, seeks his help against a new criminal called the O.G. And the mystery of the O.G.’s true identity and what’s to come will change Night Thrasher’s legacy forever!
Look for the first issue of four on Feb. 14.
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