Barbaric will return next year with a new miniseries, Born in Blood, written by Michael Moreci, drawn by Nathan Gooden, colored by Fabi Marques, lettered by Jim Campbell and designed by Tim Daniel.
Published by Vault Comics, Barbaric is the story of Owen, a cursed barbarian forced to do good, and his blood-hungry talking axe. This new story will show us Owen’s past — all the way back to his childhood.
“I’m so thrilled to announce the next big arc of Barbaric,” Gooden said. “This new arc is a deep dive into the history of Owen and the Barbarian clans. Readers get to see Owen as a child and how he becomes the ruthless Barbarian we all love. Friendships and alliances are splintering while Owen pushes against his curse. New characters and a brand new adventure will dramatically expand the world!”
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