A tale of two Sleepers

A recent graphic novel published by Simon & Schuster is in the spotlight for using the same title as a DC/Wildstorm comic.

Variety is reporting that Warner Bros. is considering legal action against the creators of a recent graphic novel called Sleeper.

Jed Mercurio, the showrunner for a British TV show called Line of Duty, co-wrote Sleeper with Prasanna Puwanarajah, an actor he’s worked with before. Coke Navarro drew the project. The problem, of course, is that the title “Sleeper” is already taken — Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips used it back in the 2000s for a series about the Wildstorm hero Grifter that was published by DC Comics.

“Somehow no one in the entire comics industry had heard about this book of his until it was already at the printer,” Brubaker said about Mercurio’s graphic novel in his email newsletter. “Needless to say, WB owns the copyright and trademark to Sleeper as a series of graphic novels (and TV and film, I believe) and obviously they were more than concerned. So from what I understand there are a lot of legal things happening with them and the other publisher right now.”

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Legendary Comics will never reprint ‘Holy Terror’

The publisher says the book “has not been reprinted since the initial publication and will never be reprinted by Legendary Comics.”

When Frank Miller’s 2011 graphic novel Holy Terror was published in 2011, Wired’s Spencer Ackerman called it “a screed against Islam, completely uninterested in any nuance or empathy toward 1.2 billion people he conflates with a few murderous conspiracy theorists.” Now the book is back in the news, and publisher Legendary Comics told Smash Pages they will never reprint it.

A spokesperson for Legendary gave Smash Pages the following statement:

The graphic novel was published in 2011 by a prior Comics group. It has not been reprinted since the initial publication and will never be reprinted by Legendary Comics.

Smash Pages reached out to Legendary after Zainab Akhtar of Shortbox announced she would not attend the Thought Bubble Comics Festival in Leeds, UK, because Miller was scheduled to be a guest there. 

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AdHouse Books announces ‘Comrade Kill’ for October

Patrick Sparrow’s new graphic novel is (likely) the last project ever from AdHouse.

When Chris Pitzer announced he was shutting down AdHouse Books earlier this month, he mentioned that he still had one more release for October. That release is Comrade Kill, a new graphic novel from Patrick Sparrow.

“A cold war super soldier accidentally wakes from a cryogenic freeze long after the war has ended to find out his existence is now meaningless,” the description reads. “Being too dumb to reconcile this, he goes out into the wild to satisfy a pointless mission objective that no one asked him to do.”

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D + Q acquires two graphic novels from Rachel Ang

The first book will be published in 2024.

Drawn + Quarterly has announced that they’ve acquired two graphic novels from Australia-based cartoonist Rachel Ang — a collection of short stories provisionally titled What You Seek (Is Seeking You) and an original graphic novel titled Funeral.

“Rachel looks at bodies and our experiences in them with such raw and often haunting honesty. The alienation, dysmorphia, and microaggressions that people experience as their bodies move through this world, and out of it,” acquiring senior editor Tracy Hurren said. “Rachel’s cartooning is intuitive and lush, their characters are masterful. I can’t wait to see them bring these books to life.”

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Tillie Walden, Mairghread Scott + others launch Skybound Comet imprint

The Young Adult and Middle Age graphic novels will get previews in ‘Skybound X’

Robert Kirkman’s Skybound Entertainment has announced plans for Skybound Comet, a new graphic novel imprint targeting Young Adult (ages 12+) and Middle Age (ages 8-12) readers. The line will launch next year with three original graphic novels by Tillie Walden, Irma Kniivila, Tri Vuong, Mairghread Scott, and Pablo Tunica.

Characters will first appear in next month’s 10-year anniversary anthology Skybound X.

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Z2, Chuck D team up for ‘Apocalypse 91: Revolution Never Sleeps’ graphic novel

The graphic novel anthology will draw inspiration from the Public Enemy album ‘Apocalypse 91: The Enemy Strikes Back.’

Chuck D of Public Enemy has teamed up with Z2 Comics for a new graphic novel, Apocalypse 91: Revolution Never Sleeps, which is inspired by their album Apocalypse 91: The Enemy Strikes Back.

The anthology will include “an array of speculative fiction stories” according to Rolling Stone, with contributions from Evan Narcisse, Regine Sawyer, Che Grayson, Troy-Jeffrey Allen, Koi Turnbull, Carlos Olivares and Butch Mapa. Chuck D will also contribute artwork to the project.

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Joe Ciano + Joshua Hixson explore the monster within in ‘Children of the Woods’

The new horror/mystery graphic novel will arrive from Dark Horse in January.

Joe Ciano and Joshua Hixson will head into the woods for a new horror/mystery graphic novel this January.

Dark Horse will publish Children of the Woods, which the publisher says “will explore the monster within and what is left when that monster finally comes out.” Ciano and Hixson are joined by colorist Roman Stevens and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou on the project.

Children of the Woods is about the drive that makes people become monsters, whether it’s sparked through tragedy, anger, or just one’s own curiosity,” Ciano said in a statement. “This book is supported by an amazing coloring and lettering team with Roman Stevens and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. We’re thrilled that Children of the Woodshas found a home at Dark Horse. Josh and I always had Dark Horse in mind when we first started development on the book, so this is really special.”

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Julia Mata’s ‘Crisis!’ coming from D+Q in 2024

Drawn and Quarterly have announced that they’ve acquired the first graphic novel from the New York-based creator.

Drawn and Quarterly has announced that they’ve acquired Julia Mata‘s debut graphic novel, Crisis!, with plans to publish it in 2024.

Mata is one-third of Spicy Mango Comics, along with Daisy Ruiz and Rachelle Hall. They are a New York-based small-press imprint that’s been releasing comics, prints, apparel and other items from all three creators, including Mata’s Crisis! zines.

“Julia’s characters—Dania and Mayra—are complex and layered and filled with possibility. I love watching their friendship come to life in all its realness,” D+Q Senior Editor Tracy Hurren said in a blog post. “Crisis! does one of my favorite things: it captures young women living messy, complicated, busy lives and coming out stronger. It’s fiction at its best.” 

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Floating World Comics will publish E.S. Glenn’s ‘Unsmooth 2: BUM’ this fall

The prequel to his 2020 graphic novel arrives in September.

The New Yorker cartoonist E.S. Glenn will follow up his 2020 graphic novel, Unsmooth, with its prequel, Unsmooth 2: BUM, in September. And if the preview pages that Floating World Comics provided are any indication, we’re all in for a treat.

Described as “a poetic journey through the human condition,” the graphic novel is populated by poets, prisoners, assassins and artists, and even the author himself. It takes place before the story from the first volume, which focused on a fictional portrayal of E. S. Glenn himself as an artist who entered the criminal underground, and became a petty thief and an assassin.

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‘Scales & Scoundrels’ returns from TKO Studios

The former Image Comics series by Sebastian Girner and Galaad is now available in two volumes from TKO.

Scales & Scoundrels, the former Image Comics series by Sebastian Girner, Galaad and Jeff Powell, has found a new home at TKO Studios.

Scales & Scoundrels originally debuted in 2017, and Image published 12 issues before the series ended. It’s the story of Luvander, a treasure hunter, and her three companions, as they discover “a secret that will bring light to a world encroached upon by an ancient darkness.”

“At its heart, Scales & Scoundrels is the story of a wandering, of moving forward through whatever obstacles may face us and that seems very timely as society reemerges out of the events of the past 18 months,” Girner said. “It’s also about the constant of change, and how change is inevitable, even for an immortal dragon. Life is change and all things, good and bad, beautiful, and sad, stem from our struggle to accept this. We wanted to explore a rich, and diverse fantasy setting, but have the characters within that world struggle with similar emotions and issues just as our readers might.”

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DC announces ‘Shazam! Thundercrack’ by Yehudi Mercado

The new graphic novel is set during the ‘Shazam!’ movie timeline.

Yehudi Mercado will write and draw Shazam! Thundercrack, a new graphic novel aimed at younger readers that will arrive in June 2022.

The graphic novel is set during the timeline of the Shazam! movie, as Billy Batson joins the Fawcett Tigers’ football team and learns to be a team player, while continuing his superhero training.

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‘Cosmoknights’ webcomic returns June 4

Hannah Templer’s ‘epic lesbian-gladiators-in-space adventure’ returns to the web next week, with another graphic novel planned for 2022.

Hannah Templer’s Cosmoknights will return to the web next week, while Top Shelf plans to collect the second volume into a graphic novel next year.

The first volume, which was recently nominated for Nutmeg Award, introduced a universe where “mech-suited warriors duel over the daughters of the aristocracy, and a fledgling resistance of lady knights aim to bring down the system from within.”

Templer has also revealed the cover for the second volume:

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