Here’s a round up of some of the best comics we’ve seen online recently. If we missed something, let us know in the comments below.

Once this whole pandemic thing is over, who do you plan to hug? The California Sunday Magazine has a few ideas from Eleanor Davis.

As mentioned earlier this month, Cullen Bunn is writing a series of one-page webcomics for his Patreon called Deepest Catacombs, which are inspired by the classic Dungeons and Dragons ads that used to run in comic books back in the 1980s. The first one is now available, featuring artwork by A.C. and Nick Zamudio.

Tom Gauld, creator of Department of Mind-Blowing Theories, shares a cartoon showing how robots go about writing novels with The New York Times.

Still Ill by Monique Jackson depicts the creator’s life after contracting COVID-19 on a train shortly before England began to lockdown the country.
Over the last few weeks, Marvel has been tweeting shelter-in-place-themed comics by Zeb Wells and Gurihiru, featuring their characters adapting to life during the pandemic. This latest one features an overenthusiastic Hulk. You can see others by searching the #HeroesatHome hashtag.
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