With the release of Dark Horse’ solicitations for May 2023 comes word of a “new political horror-action comic” called Survival by Sean Lewis and Bryndon Everett. It’s about Russia invading the United States, specifically Alaska, with supernatural forces.
“Survival was written years before Russia invaded Ukraine,” Lewis said. “Some would call it prescient, but it seemed obvious—old empires don’t like to fall. Survival merges a social aspect with a very fun, very pulp story of vampires and machine guns, survivalists and invaders.”
Natalie Barahona provides colors, while Ed Dukeshire is lettering the project.

Here’s the description from Dark Horse:
The debut issue follows Emma Reed on her journey back to her hometown in Alaska as she attends an annual military alumni gathering. She’ll have to endure more than a tense family reunion as a plane crash lands nearby, unleashing a vampiric military monstrosity that hints at a far more devastating confrontation.
“Not only did I grow up at the tail-end of the Cold War reading comics, pulp novels, and watching B-movies with my dad, but my grandfather was also a hermit on the Olympic peninsula,” Everett said. “I spent my summers with him on his mountain, learning bushcraft and learning the value of self-reliance. This is my world, so it was a whole lot of fun getting to be a part of this project.”
The first issue of five arrives in stores May 3.