Rafael Grampá, the artist of Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child and the creator of the upcoming DC Black Label series Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham, will co-edit an anthology of Brazilian creators for Fantagraphics and Brazilian publisher MINO.
Grampá will work with Brazilian comics editor Janaina de Luna on Braba, which will feature “13 short stories created by 16 pioneering Brazilian cartoonists captures the vibrant and daring nature of the Brazilian comics scene.”
“I discovered many artists I love through anthologies,” Grampá said. “I have always dreamed of working with Fantagraphics, and I’m happy to be able to share this opportunity with some of the most talented Brazilian comic artists today. I hope BRABA will impact more readers around the world with the vibrant and powerful comic scene happening in Brazil.”

The contributors to Braba include Amanda Miranda, Bruno Seelig, Diego Sanchez, Gabriel Goes, Jefferson Costa, Jéssica Groke, Sirlene Barbosa, João Pinheiro, Cris Eiko, Paulo Crumbim, Pedro Cobiaco, Pedro Franz, Rafael Coutinho, Shiko and Wagner Willian. Here’s a sample of pages from Franz, Miranda and Cobiaco:
The term “braba,” a Brazilian slang derived from “brava,” meaning angry, has been embraced as a symbol of something impressive and groundbreaking. Originating from Brazil’s youth culture, the term is a compliment for individuals who exhibit vibrant and daring attitudes, according to Fantagraphics.
“We are incredibly excited to bring Braba and a vibrant Brazilian comics scene to readers around the world,” Fantagraphics VP and Associate Publisher Eric Reynolds said. “This collection not only highlights the exceptional talent of Brazilian cartoonists but also underscores Fantagraphics’ commitment to publishing the most remarkable works in the medium.”
The anthology will arrive in stores in the fall of 2024.