Captain Commando offers Shark Fiend swimming lessons in this preview of ‘Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics’ #316

Check out an exclusive preview of two new stories coming in next week’s digest from Archie Comics.

Archie Comics has shared a preview with us of Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics #316, which will feature two new stories in addition to a whole lot of classic material.

In the first new story, Mr. Lodge has hired Captain Commando to endorse his new water park, and it’s a good thing he did, as Shark Fiend shows up to cause trouble. Writer Ian Flynn, artist Steven Butler, inker Lily Butler, colorist Glenn Whitmore and letterer Jack Morelli jump into the deep end for this one.

The second story features the return of Fu Chang, International Detective, as a classic video game cartridge goes missing from the Riverdale Museum. Not only does this one offer up a parody of Knives Out, but it also has some fun with the name of the video game that fans of Hyrule and Sabrina the Teenage Witch will appreciate. Writer Francis Bonnet and artist Rex Lindsey are joined by Whitmore on this one.

Check out both previews below, along with a complete classic story featuring Betty Cooper.

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Slugfest | SDCC news + more

Today’s round-up includes items on Ms. Marvel, ‘Operation Sunshine,’ Zod, Supergirl and more.

Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you from comics creators, publishers and more. Today’s edition includes some San Diego news we didn’t get to this past week, plus a few other items to note. Hit the links for more information.

If you read the Hellfire Gala 2023 special this week, then you know Ms. Marvel is playing a big role in what happens next to our favorite mutants. At San Diego, Marvel revealed more about Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant, the Fall of X miniseries featuring the recently resurrected Inhuman/mutant.

Here’s a look at the covers for the first three issues, along with the solicitation information (which was “hidden” when Marvel originally released their solicitations, to keep everything a surprise).

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