Can’t Wait for Comics | ‘Hawkgirl,’ ‘Blade,’ ‘Big Game’ and more debut

Check out new comics and graphic novels arriving this week by Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan, Bryan Hill, Elena Casagrande, David Pepose, Marcelo Ferreira, Scott Snyder, Liam Sharpe, Philippe Squarzoni and more.

Welcome to Can’t Wait for Comics, your guide to what comics are arriving in comic book stores, bookstores and on digital.

I’ve pulled out some of the highlights below, but for the complete list of everything you might find at your local comic shop and on digital this week, you’ll want to check out one or more of the following:

As a reminder, things can change and what you find on the above lists may differ from what’s actually arriving in your local shop. So always check with your comics retailer for the final word on availability.

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Marvel announces the death of Moon Knight

Jed MacKay and Alessandro Cappuccio pull the final curtain on Moon Knight — at least until Marvel decides to bring him back.

Following in the footsteps of Doctor Strange, Ms. Marvel and, well, just about every other character they have, Marvel has announced that Moon Knight will be the next character to die in their comics in a story by Jed MacKay and Alessandro Cappuccio.

It’s hard not to be cynical about comic book deaths, particularly when it comes to Marvel. They not only mourned Ms. Marvel last week in the pages of Fall Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel, but turned around a few days later to announce her return. The X-Men and their resurrection protocols have pretty much ruined the impact of any comic book deaths these days, right?

And while I’m a big fan of MacKay’s work in general and on Moon Knight in particular, this story comes on the heels of a similar one featuring Doctor Strange. But still, big fan, so I’ll be curious to see how this one plays out and trust that the execution will be well handled (no pun intended … well, maybe a little).

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Smash Pages Q&A | Adam Cesare and David Stoll on ‘Dead Mall’

The two creators discuss their love for malls, their approach to ‘mall horror,’ the potential for a sequel and more.

Horror novelist Adam Cesare‘s signature novel has a title that contains the two scariest words in the English language, Clown in a Cornfield, so right from the get-go you know that he gets horror. He’s also been adding comics to his resume over the last few years, having worked on Power Rangers comics, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and more.

David Stoll, meanwhile, was the artist for Pantomime, a Mad Cave title with writer Christopher Sebela from a few years back. The story featured students at a school for the deaf who become thieves, and I still remember how clever the visuals were in communicating what was being said and heard by the deaf characters.

The two of them more recently united on Dead Mall, a four-issue miniseries from Dark Horse Comics. Along with letterer Justin Birch, they told a complete story that combined horror and mall culture. The story takes place in — and is narrated by — the Penn Mills Galleria, a former mall that’s about to be demolished when a group of kids decide to visit it one last time. Only they find it isn’t quite so empty.

The miniseries was recently collected into a trade paperback by Dark Horse Comics, and it’s available now in comic shops and bookstores everywhere. I spoke with Both Cesare and Stoll about the story, abandoned malls and more.

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Bunn + Hervás reunite for ‘Invasive’ from Oni Press

The medical horror miniseries will debut in December.

Cullen Bunn and Jesús Hervás, the creative team for The Empty Man: Manifestation, will team up again on Invasive, a new miniseries from Oni Press.

Invasive is a thing of nightmare. For me, literally,” said Bunn. “The initial seed of the idea sprang from a terrifying nightmare that startled me awake in the dark. While developing the idea, I was beset by even more nightmares. And while writing it? You guessed it. Nightmares. It’s a book that worries and haunts me, and I think it represents a bit of a signpost in the road of my approach to horror in general. I believe that in the years to come, it will be thought of as one of my most disturbing stories.”

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