Oni’s NacelleVerse comics will launch in March

‘NacelleVerse’ #0 will kick things off, followed by ‘Roboforce,’ ‘Biker Mice from Mars’ and more.

One of the more interesting and perhaps surprising announcements at New York Comic Con came from Oni Press and the Nacelle Company, who own the rights to various toy lines from years past, including Biker Mice from Mars and Sectaurs. Now all those different characters will come together to form a shared universe.

Oni will publish a line of comics based on this new shared universe, starting in March with NacelleVerse #0 by writer Melissa Flores and artists Diogenes Neves and Francis Portela. That’ll be followed by three-issue miniseries for Roboforce, coming in April, and Biker Mice from Mars, coming in July. Sectaurs and Power Lords will follow sometime after that.

“I’m very excited that we’ll be launching the NacelleVerse with comic books that will set up all the characters, worlds and plot lines that will be unfolding over the next five years as our series come to life,” said Nacelle Founder and CEO Brian Volk-Weiss.

cover by Marco D’Alfonso

While Oni has done licensed comics (like Rick & Morty) and titles that have had spinoffs (like The Sixth Gun), I believe this is the first time they’ve published a shared universe. The NacelleVerse kicks off with a focus on the Great Garloo, a 1960s monster toy (and the green head in the middle of the image shown above):

When his planet is annihilated by a cosmic disaster, the alien Great Garloo must begin a galaxy-spanning search for a new home . . . only to discover a bold new universe of champions waiting amongst the stars! From the genetically modified Sectaur warriors of the planet Symbion to the rabble-rousing Biker Mice from Mars, Garloo’s quest for safe haven will hurdle him on a one-way collision course toward 22nd Century Earth . . . where the obsolete robotic work crew called RoboForce is about to forge a new destiny . . .

“We’re introduced to a series of diverse worlds through the adventures of Garloo, our gentle-hearted nomad without a home,” said Flores. “As Garlow travels the NacelleVerse, we encounter wonderfully complicated characters and circumstances, from smugglers to civil wars to robots, just trying to get some respect. And together we discover a true home consists of the people that welcome you within it. I can’t believe I get to relive my childhood with these amazing properties! Getting the opportunity to work with the wonderful team at Oni Press and Nacelle and bring these characters to life in comics is an incredible honor. I can’t wait for readers to fall in love with these characters again like I have!”

Here’s a look at NacelleVerse #0’s variant covers by Logan Lubera, Inhyuk Lee, Livio Ramondelli and Mike Deodato Jr.:

Look for it in stores on March 20.

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