Iko iko an day: Grannies kick ass in ‘Golden Rage’

Chrissy Williams, Lauren Knight, Sofie Dodgson, Becca Carey and Joamette Gil present a series about old women baking cakes and fighting to the death.

A new Image Comics miniseries will explore a world where old women are sent to an island to live out the reminder of their lives — and battle to the death. My grandma and your grandma, sitting by the fire …

Golden Rage by Chrissy Williams, Lauren Knight, Sofie Dodgson, Becca Carey and Joamette Gil will feature a little-seen demographic in comics — older woman, and showcase how they can kick as much ass as anyone. (My grandmother, who played bingo in some pretty sketchy places, carried a butcher knife in her purse).

“Old women are formidable—I wrote Golden Rage to reflect that,” said Williams. “These characters are tough, capable, kind, and funny. I’ve fallen in love with the combination of cake and stabbing weapons, and hope you will too.”

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