Vision + Scarlet Witch reunite in a new miniseries coming in May

Steve Orlando, Lorenzo Tammetta and Jacopo Camagni bring the iconic — and ultimately tragic — couple back together to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

Steve Orlando will continue to tell stories featuring the Scarlet Witch in a new miniseries that reunites her with her ex. The Vision & the Scarlet Witch features the iconic couple in a new story drawn by artists Lorenzo Tammetta and Jacopo Camagni.

The miniseries marks the 50th anniversary of the couple’s wedding in Giant-Size Avengers #4 by Steve Englehart, Don Heck, John Tartaglione and Petra Goldberg. From there the couple appeared consistently in the Avengers, eventually scored their own miniseries and finally broke up in the pages of West Coast Avengers. Despite some rough times since — Avengers Disassembled, anyone? — the couple seems to be in a better place now, as seen in recent issues of Avengers and Scarlet Witch.

“When it comes to the Scarlet Witch, anything’s possible!” Orlando said. “Now, on the 50th Anniversary of their wedding, the Vision and the Scarlet Witch reunite to face a creeping, corrosive evil from beyond not just the grave, but beyond the universe itself. Wanda and Vision remain one of Marvel’s most iconic couples — and not just for their marriage, but for everything since.”

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Dark Horse books a FastPass to ‘Ripperland’ next year

Steve Orlando, John Harris Dunning and Alessandro Oliveri bring a murderer from the past to an England that’s become the most magical place on Earth.

“What would Jack the Ripper think of an England that was turned into a theme park?” might not be a question you’ve ever asked yourself, but it’ll get answered next year in a new miniseries coming from Dark Horse Comic.

Ripperland is co-written by Steve Orlando and John Harris Dunning, with art and cover art by Alessandro Oliveri, colors by Francesca Vivaldi and letters by Fabio Amelia. And yes, it is indeed about Jack the Ripper time-traveling to 2188 England to discover the country became a Victorian-themed amusement park because it needed the money after Brexit.

Ripperland is unlike any book I’ve ever been part of–and I mean that in the best possible way,” Orlando said. “John and Alessandro are incredible talents, and the alchemy between us, across borders and across oceans, has created something truly special! This is Westworld meets From Hell in a gorgeous speculative fiction package! The streets of tomorrow’s London call…to yesterday! I can’t wait for everyone to see it!”

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Steve Orlando + Emilio Pilliu helm the ‘Sweet Paprika’ spinoff ‘Open for Business’

The five-issue miniseries kicks off in November.

Mirka Andolfo’s award-winning and much beloved Sweet Paprika series is getting another spinoff miniseries — Sweet Paprika: Open For Business, which will feature characters from Sweet Paprika: Black, White & Pink.

Steve Orlando, writer of seemingly everything these days, will team with Italian artist Emilio Pilliu on the five-issue series, which kicks off this fall.

“As a writer keen on getting folks excited about my work and that of my collaborators, I’ve been known to engage in hyperbole. But even so, without hesitation, I’ve never had a blast working on a book like I have with Sweet Paprika: Open for Business—it’s my favorite book to write, every month,” said Orlando. “And not just that—I’ve never synched with a collaborator like I do with Emilio. He’s subletted my brain and is elevating every single panel beyond my wildest dreams! Open for Business is raw, it’s real, it’s provocative, but most of all—it’s fun! It’s my first office comedy, and I’ve never loved working with a cast as much as this one! I can’t wait for you to meet them!”

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Steve Orlando, Álvaro López + Laura Braga return to Endor for ‘Ewoks’

The four-issue miniseries featuring the cuddly ‘Star Wars’ warriors begins this fall.

The Ewoks will return to comics this fall in a new miniseries by Steve Orlando, Álvaro López and Laura Braga. To mark the 40th anniversary of the TV movie Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure, Marvel will reveal a crisis that occurred on the Endor moon following the events of Return of the Jedi.

“Forty years of Ewoks! Sometimes, a lot of the times, this job is just a dream—and for someone who grew up watching Return of the Jedi after every single Sunday Ski Trip, getting the chance to celebrate them and explore their world in the aftermath of the second Death Star’s fall is truly beyond belief,” Orlando said. “When I was young, the Ewoks got me in the door—Wicket was my hero, a young hero like me (like I was back then) going on adventures with Princess Leia herself!”

The Ewoks are a somewhat divisive subject for Star Wars fans, seen either as savage, noble warriors or a “bunch of muppets,” depending on who you ask. But their legacy stretched beyond Return of the Jedi, starring in two made-for-TV movies, an animated series and a comics series as part of Marvel’s Star line.

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Nova 2099’s story will continue in October in ‘Conquest 2099’

Spinning out of ‘Annihilation 2099,’ the new miniseries will feature Dracula 2099, Spider-Man 2099 and more.

Marvel introduced — or, actually, re-introduced; sorry, it’s complicated — Nova 2099 this past week in the pages of Annihilation 2099, another miniseries penned by Steve Orlando and set in Marvel’s futuristic cyberpunk universe. But this new character wasn’t so new — the first issue revealed that under the helmet, Nova 2099 is actually …

(I should add a SPOILERS WARNING and a jump here …)

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Jacket required: Steve Orlando + friends return to Avengers Mansion for ‘Avengers Assemble’

The second ‘Avengers’ title will feature some old classics and some new faces.

Avengers old and new will assemble under the leadership of Steve Rogers in Avengers Assemble, which launches in September.

Scarlet Witch and The Scale Trade writer Steve Orlando will work with several different artists on the series, including Cory Smith, Scot Eaton, Marcelo Ferreira and more, with Smith drawing the first issue.

As for the premise, it follows the current Avengers storyline that’s running during Blood Hunt, which has Captain America assembling a ragtag team to battle vampires while the primary Avengers team goes up against Blade and his minions. Steve Rogers will also head up this new team, which will include several classic Avengers, like Wonder Man, Hercules, She-Hulk, Hawkeye, Wasp and Photon, along with some more obscure Avengers like Shang Chi and Lightning, plus two new faces to the team — former New Warriors leader Night Thrasher and Power Pack’s Lightspeed.

“This is a great time to assemble!” Orlando shared. “Avengers Assemble is bringing a murderer’s row of classic Avengers back to the Mansion, and classic comics storytelling is coming with it! A team of icons and new recruits alike, but heavy on the icons! And in every issue, a barnburner of an entire story packed into 20 pages!”

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2099 goes cosmic this summer in ‘Annihilation 2099’

Steve Orlando and a host of artists will introduce 2099 versions of Nova, Starlord, Silver Surfer and more.

Writer Steve Orlando has slowly been expanding the scope of the 2099 universe over the past few years, introducing new characters and new takes on the alternate Marvel universe. This summer that scope expands to the cosmos in Annihilation 2099, a five-issue miniseries that will introduce some new, but familiar faces.

“2099 is back and it’s going cosmic!” Orlando said. “Annihilation 2099 has been the best kind of challenge—bringing even more cosmic into Marvel’s iconic cyberpunk line, and keeping it all fresh, provocative and surprising.”

Orlando will work with a different artist on each issue, including Ibraim Roberson, José Luis, Pete Woods, Ario Anindito and Dale Eaglesham. Nick Bradshaw supplies the cover to each issue, which will spotlight 2099 versions of everyone from Nova to Silver Surfer.

Here are more details from

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Mad Cave reveals their ‘Gatchaman’ plans

Ken, Jun and the rest of the team will soar in new comics this year by Cullen Bunn, Christ Batista, Tommy Lee Edwards, Mindy Lee and more.

At the ComicsPRO meeting this week, Mad Cave Studios shared more details on their publishing plans for Gatchaman, which they licensed from Tatsunoko Production last year.

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, or just Gatchaman, or “G-Force” to those who grew up on the Americanized cartoon, is a popular Japanese anime created by Tatsuo Yoshida. It features five “super ninjas” who work for the International Science Organization and protect Earth’s natural resources from a terrorist group called Galactor. Each member of the team wears a winged suit that aligns to a different bird, and has a different vehicle that goes along with their theme.

Mad Cave announced the acquisition of the property in San Diego last July, and have already revealed it’ll debut on Free Comic Book Day. But they have plans that go beyond just a single series, as they’ve also announced a series of one-shots spotlighting the members of the team and a Galactor miniseries focused on their enemies.

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Scarlet Witch returns to her own solo title in June

Steve Orlando and Jacopo Camagni reopen the door for new adventures starring the magical Avenger.

Following her current five-issue team-up with her brother in Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, Wanda Maximoff will return to her own solo title in June, courtesy of Steve Orlando and Jacopo Camagni.

Orlando has been writing the character since Marvel’s Darkhold event in 2021, which was actually delayed because of the pandemic, so his tenure with the character goes even further back. In her previous solo title, Orlando established her as the proprietor of a shop that will open itself to souls in need — leading to all sorts of adventures for her and her partner in magic, Darcy Lewis.

Camagni, meanwhile, is known for his work on X-Men Red and Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe, among other titles.

“The news is out and I couldn’t be more excited,” Orlando said. “Scarlet Witch has been a dream job, and getting to return to her once again and continue Wanda’s adventures is something I could never say no to. And Wanda’s going to keep climbing! Here, we’ll be bringing the blockbuster storytelling of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to the focused, personal journey Wanda began in Darkhold and Scarlet Witch. And standing in her way? Only one of Marvel’s most powerful and climactic entities, bent on destroying everything Wanda stands for.”

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It’s open season on dragons in Orlando + Huang’s ‘The Scale Trade’

Steve Orlando and Megan Huang hunt the dragon hunters in the new title coming from Magma Comix in May.

Now that we’re a couple weeks into the Year of the Dragon, Magma Comix has officially announced The Scale Trade, the new modern fantasy series by Steve Orlando and Megan Huang. Magma mentioned it last month when the publisher started unveiling their 2024 slate.

In any event, the new series sounds great — set in a modern world where dragons still exist but are high on the endangered species list, one man takes a stand against the poachers and corrupt governments that want their scales.

“The Scale Trade was absolutely influenced by the depravity of the illegal exotic meat trade, poaching, and specifically the street-level vigilance against the abuse of horses and sale of horse meat in a variety of parts of the country,” said Orlando. “We wanted to talk about these things, but also thrill and excite on an elevated scale (no pun intended). So we built a world where dragons were part of the animal kingdom, where THEY, these creatures that awe us, were also some of the most valuable commodities in the world. It’s a modern fantasy—not high fantasy or low sword and sorcery. At the end of the day it’s about the way we as a species interact with nature—concepts bigger and older than us—and how we tend to commodify life on this planet. At the core, The Scale Trade is about heroic animal rescue. A man and his dog… if his dog was a majestic flying lizard.”

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Quick Hits | Posy Simmonds wins the 2024 Grand Prix at Angoulême

Plus: News on the Eisners, Brett Lewis, Bill Griffith and more.

British cartoonist and illustrator Posy Simmonds has been awarded the Grand Prix at France’s annual Angoulême International Comics Festival. Simmonds beat out Daniel Clowes and Catherine Meurisse to capture the prize, and is only the fourth woman to be awarded the Grand Prix in its 50-year history.

Simmonds, 78, has done it all in her career, including comic illustration, daily press cartoons, weekly comic strips, best-selling albums, children’s books and screen adaptations. Her debut graphic novel, True Love, is one of the first British graphic novels, and she went on to create the well-regarded Gemma Bovery, Tamara Drewe and Cassandra Darke. She began her career doing comic strips for the Sun, the Times and the Guardian, where she spent the majority of her career. Later in life, she would start creating children’s books, and her most famous, Fred, went onto become an Academy Award-nominated short film, Famous Fred.

“I always think in a perfect world, the gender of a prize winner shouldn’t be remarkable,” Simmonds told the Guardian. “But it’s an imperfect world and the comics and bande déssinée world has always been a masculine milieu, a bit of a boys’ club. But, bit by bit, especially over the last decade, women have infiltrated it, so I’m pleased to be one of them, of course.”

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Magma Comix has big plans for 2024

The former comics publishing arm of Heavy Metal magazine has spun off into its own company, with several new titles planned for this spring.

Magma Comix launched back in 2020 as the comics publishing arm of Heavy Metal, the legendary science fiction and fantasy comics magazine that came to an end last year. Instead of letting the endeavor die off, the Magma team decided to spin the operation off and become an independent comics publisher.

“We are fortunate to have secured funding that will ensure Magma will maintain its creative freedom and independence, while providing capital and support necessary to establish long-term stability in an unpredictable industry,” said Magma Comix Founder and CEO Denton J. Tipton back in July. “Magma will lower the barriers to entry by making our line easy to navigate and by reducing risk for our retail partners. But above all, our team’s unique combination of creator relationships, industry knowledge, and passion for storytelling will unleash a creative eruption that we hope sets a new standard for comics.”

Earlier this week Magma began announcing plans for their comics line, starting with an impressive list of creators they’re working with that includes Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Eamon Winkle, Jason Starr, Dalibor Talajić, Steve Orlando and Megan Huang. They’ve also started announcing their first titles, which will arrive in April.

“Surely one of the most potent drugs in the world is the thrill of creation and I can confidently say our creators must be off their heads at this point,” said Magma Comix Editor-in-Chief Bobby Curnow. “All of our teams are pouring everything they have into their books, creating some of the best comics I’ve read in my fifteen years of editing. It’s been a real pleasure to help bring these stories into the world.”

Here’s a look at the two that have been announced thus far:

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