Steve Orlando will continue to tell stories featuring the Scarlet Witch in a new miniseries that reunites her with her ex. The Vision & the Scarlet Witch features the iconic couple in a new story drawn by artists Lorenzo Tammetta and Jacopo Camagni.
The miniseries marks the 50th anniversary of the couple’s wedding in Giant-Size Avengers #4 by Steve Englehart, Don Heck, John Tartaglione and Petra Goldberg. From there the couple appeared consistently in the Avengers, eventually scored their own miniseries and finally broke up in the pages of West Coast Avengers. Despite some rough times since — Avengers Disassembled, anyone? — the couple seems to be in a better place now, as seen in recent issues of Avengers and Scarlet Witch.
“When it comes to the Scarlet Witch, anything’s possible!” Orlando said. “Now, on the 50th Anniversary of their wedding, the Vision and the Scarlet Witch reunite to face a creeping, corrosive evil from beyond not just the grave, but beyond the universe itself. Wanda and Vision remain one of Marvel’s most iconic couples — and not just for their marriage, but for everything since.”
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