DC’s “Summer of Superman” initiative is going to the dogs in June, as the publisher announced this week that the team of writer Ryan North and artists Mike Norton and Ian Herring will return to Krypton to tell the story of Superman’s bestest friend Krypto.
Krypto: The Last Dog of Krypton will take our heroic canine — the breakout star of the Superman trailer — from Krypton to Earth.
“Krypto’s origin has always been done at kind of a high level,” North said. “The little guy starts out on Krypton, ends up on Earth, and helps Superman fight crime. The chance to really define Krypto—to show what a little lost dog would go through if he landed all alone on a strange alien world named Earth—was really enticing. And I also fell in love with the idea of treating Krypto as the actual dog he is: he doesn’t talk, and we don’t cheat by reading his thoughts in balloons either. Mike Norton’s art captures exactly what needs to be ‘said’ in every scene. Krypto tells us who he is and how he’s feeling like all dogs do: through his expressions and behaviour, through body language and barks and snuggles and licks and sighs. Dogs are some of the most expressive animals, and we absolutely love them, and I wanted to tell a story that really captured and honoured these animals—Krypto in particular.”
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