Passings | Fred Carter, an artist whose work was seen by millions in the form of Chick Tracts, passed away earlier this month from heart failure at the age of 83. Carter worked anonymously for Jack Chick, publisher of Chick Publications, and is credited with drawing more than half of the Christian comic pamphlets. He also worked with Chick on The Crusaders, a comic that featured a white former Green Beret and a Black ex-militant who “went on adventures for Christ.” The duo looked a lot like Chick and Carter.
People | Mad Cave Studios has added two new senior editors to their team, Lauren McGrew-Hitzhusen and Chas! Pangburn.

Interviews | Writing for The Comics Journal, Alex Dueben speaks with author and comic book writer Rachel Pollack in a career-spanning interview that covers her early life, her interest in Tarot, her work on Doom Patrol and most importantly, Codpiece.
Interviews | MSN talks with Daniel Medina and Brandon Dorsky about their comic Below Sycamore, which is about addiction, recovery and violence on the streets of Los Angeles.
Longform | What does an editor do? On Newsarama, Jim McLauchlin talks with everyone from Mark Waid to Jonathan Hickman in an attempt to answer that question.
Profiles | Ken Eppstein, who makes “comic books and zines for punk rockers” under the banner of Nix Comics, had a fun way of introducing himself to his Columbus, Ohio neighbors: he mailed a comic strip to 2,000 of them in his local zip code.
“It’s born from thinking about how technology and corporate changes have changed the actual, physical relationship that people have with cartoons,” Eppstein told Columbus Alive. “It used to be that, whether you wanted them or not, if you had a newspaper subscription, you would have physical comic strips that you had to physically navigate every day, dropped on your porch. That’s something that’s missing now, and I think that’s kind of unfair, particularly in a place like Columbus, where [comics] can be considered a pretty big part of our town’s heritage.”
Reviews | At the Guardian, Rachel Cooke declares “The Con Artists by Luke Healy is my favourite graphic novel of the year so far, and to be honest, it might just be among my favourite comics ever.”
Commentary | At Atomic Junk Shop, Fraser Sherman examines the “Siancong War,” a fictional war in Asia that Marvel has started using in place of real-world wars, like Vietnam, to tie different characters origins and histories to, including the Fantastic Four, the Punisher and Flash Thompson.