Marvel announced its first crossover between its two Captain America titles earlier this year — Cold War will feature both Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, not to mention Bucky Barnes, Ian Rogers, the White Wolf and more.
At New York Comic Con this week, Marvel revealed a few more details about the event, which will run through both Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty and Captain America: Symbol of Truth — not to mention the requisite tie-in one-shots. Speaking of which, Marvel revealed some variant cover art for Captain America & the Winter Soldier Special #1, which was announced last month. Here’s Carmen Carnero’s variant:

According to Marvel, the one-shot will “see the debut of Winter Soldier’s new costume designed by series artist Carmen Carnero, as well as the persona Bucky will adopt for the war that lies ahead.”
There’s also a variant by Alex Maleev:

Bucky isn’t the only former sidekick popping up in Cold War. The crossover also features Ian Rogers who, you might remember, is the kid introduced during Rick Remender’s run on Captain America, aka the Dimension Z era. During that storyline, Ian was aged (as was Steve Rogers), and he’s going by Nomad now — and appearing in Symbol of Truth. In January, he and Sam Wilson have to fend off an attack from Dimension Z, unleashed by the villainous White Wolf:

And also in January, Steve Rogers gets some help from Emma Frost as he faces the Outer Circle’s new assassin, M.O.D.O.C. — the Mental Organism Designed Only for Control:

And then there’s the big event itself — Captain America: Cold War. According to Marvel, the crossover event “will be a culmination of the threats, battles and mysteries that have been at the center of both Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson’s adventures since the start of this critically-acclaimed new era. The secret origin of Steve’s shield, the Outer Circle’s stepping out from the shadows, White Wolf’s vicious attack, the return of Nomad… it’s all been leading to this.”
Here’s some promotional artwork by Daniel Acuna:

Captain America: Cold War is set to kick off in April of next year.