Marvel announced several new projects during the Women of Marvel panel at New York Comic Con yesterday, including three that put the spotlight on some of Krakoa’s finest.
Betsy Braddock, aka Captain Britain, will jump into her own series next February, courtesy of Tini Howard and Vasco Georgiev. Check out the first issue’s cover by Erica D’Urso:
In addition, the panel also announced Rogue & Gambit, a new limited series starring Mr. and Mrs. X by Stephanie Phillips and Carlos Gomez, which kicks off next March.
And finally, Laura Kinney will once again claim the spotlight and her old moniker, X-23, in the new miniseries X-23: Deadly Regenesis. This one is by Erica Schultz and art by Edgar Salazar, and it starts in March.
The panel also revealed that another Women of Marvel anthology will arrive next March just in time for International Women’s Day, as well as offered updates on several Marvel Unlimited Infinity projects.
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