Activist nonfiction graphic novel publisher Street Noise has announced two new graphic novels it will release this fall: Restless, by Joseph Kai, and Silence, Full Stop, by Karina Shor.
“I’m blown away by the two books we have coming to you in the fall of 2023. Each of these books is breathtaking and transporting in its artwork, and both Joseph Kai and Karina Shor have the power to take us outside ourselves and broaden our understanding of the struggles and trauma of the life of another,” said Liz Frances, Street Noise publisher and founder in a statement. “These graphic novels are clear examples of the transformative nature of the art of comics.”
Street Noise Books is a fairly new publisher but already has an impressive list of books under their name, by creators like Hayley Gold, Tracy White, Gabriel Ebensperger, Elizabeth A. Trembley, Woodrow Phoenix and more. You can check out their backlist here.
Here are more details on both graphic novels:

Restless, by Joseph Kai (on sale Sept. 19). It’s 30 years after the end of Lebanon’s civil war, and this graphic novel tells an autobiographically inspired story of a young queer comics artist living in Beirut: a complex city with shifting perspectives on art, sex and political uprising.

Silence, Full Stop, by Karina Shor (on sale Nov. 14). A breathtaking graphic memoir looking back at the struggles of a teen girl processing and trying to take control of her own life following the trauma of childhood sexual assault.