Cantwell’s run on ‘Iron Man’ will wrap up with the oversized ‘Iron Man’ #25

Marvel celebrates 650 issues of ‘Iron Man’ in November with stories by Christopher Cantwell, Angel Unzueta, Kurt Busiek and more.

November brings not only the 65oth issue of Iron Man, if you go by Marvel’s “legacy numbering” system, but also the finale of Christopher Cantwell’s run on the title.

Iron Man #25 is an “oversized celebration” of Iron Man, featuring stories by a variety of creators, including Murewa Ayodele, Dotun Akande, Kurt Busiek, Ben Dewey and more. But the main story will focus on “Iron Man Day” in New York, as Cantwell and Angel Unzueta bring their run to a close.

“I have come to love this guy so much. This book has been a highlight of my career,” Cantwell said on Twitter. “I will miss Tony. I already do.”

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Spider-Man’s gonna have a busy Fall

Marvel reveals more about the upcoming ‘Dark Web’ event, plus Gold Goblin, Hallow’s Eve and more.

As the temperatures cool down, the Spider-Verse will heat up — in San Diego this week, Marvel shared details on several Spider-Man related titles and events that will keep the wall-crawler busy through the end of the year.

First let’s talk about Dark Web, the Spider-Man/X-Men crossover event spearheaded by Zeb Wells that involves the Goblyn Queen and Chasm, aka Ben Reilly. The story will begin in “prelude” issues throughout November (in Amazing Spider-Man, for example), followed by December’s Dark Web Alpha #1 where Wells will be joined by Adam Kubert to kick things off in earnest. From there, the story continues in Amazing Spider-Man as well as various tie-in one-shots and limited series.  

Marvel released the cover for Dark Web Alpha, by Ryan Stegman. Here’s his line art:

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Cantwell + Ferry dive into ‘Namor the Sub-Mariner’ this Fall

“This book is basically my love letter to Marvel Comics itself.”

Christopher Cantwell and Pasqual Ferry will team for a new series starring Namor the Sub-Mariner, subtitled “Conquered Shores.”

“This is the first idea I ever blind pitched to Marvel and I’m thrilled that they said yes,” Cantwell said on Twitter.

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Cantwell + García awaken ‘Briar’ at BOOM!

What if Sleeping Beauty had to save herself?

The Blue Flame writer Christopher Cantwell and Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land artist Germán García will retell the story of Sleeping Beauty as “an epic dark fantasy adventure” in a new miniseries coming from BOOM! Studios. They’ll be joined by colorist Matheus Lopes, who has been doing some phenomenal work on Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Cantwell sited the creator of Conan the Barbarian as an inspiration for the series.

“I’ve never gotten a chance to tell a high fantasy story of any kind, but I’ve always wanted to, ever since I discovered old Robert E. Howard stories. One thing that kept me hesitant was finding a proper way in—something new and different that also celebrates all the sword & sorcery fun seen in the best of the genre,” Cantwell said. “In tandem, as I grow older, the world around us seems less and less stable with so many things falling into crisis. These two things came together in my head in the form of Briar… here’s someone that remembers the world one way, during a time of sheltered innocence, but has now overslept… and found herself in a place of complete entropic disarray. The question is, how will she even survive? And what happens when the plans for the entire rest of your life turn out to be completely meaningless and absurd? Where do you turn to in order to conjure up your own new meaning and purpose?”

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Mail Call | Say hello to the New (Old) Fantastic Four

Check out news and announcements from Marvel, IDW, AfterShock, Drawn and Quarterly, and more.

Mail Call is a roundup of cool things we’ve received in our mailboxes from comics creators, publishers and more. Hit the links for more information.

Back in the early 1990s Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider and Hulk had a brief team-up in the pages of Fantastic Four while the actual Fantastic Four were out of town. It was a fun story by Walt Simonson and Art Adams that only last a few issues. But now Marvel will revisit that team — and time period — in The New Fantastic Four, a limited series by Peter David and Alan Robinson.

“Although their original stint was extremely short-lived, the alternate version of the FF has had its fans for years, including myself,” David said. “I am fortunate Marvel has given me the opportunity to revisit with them and take their battles to new heights in a new location with new allies and new enemies.” 

Like Maestro and X-Men Legends, this story takes place in the past, shortly after the quartet’s first appearance.

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Cantwell + Casalanguida create an ‘oddball love letter’ to Texas conspiracies

‘Regarding The Matter Of Oswald’s Body’ will feature a cast of crazy characters brought in to clean up ‘the crime of the century.’

BOOM! Studios has announced Regarding The Matter Of Oswald’s Body, a new “off-kilter crime thriller” built around the assassination of John F. Kennedy, by writer Christopher Cantwell and artist Luca Casalanguida.

“As a Dallas native and born obsessive, the Kennedy assassination and its infinite mysteries have often occupied my stray thoughts,” said Cantwell. “Regarding The Matter Of Oswald’s Body is both an oddball love letter and an offbeat elegy to the strangest, most wistful and ultimately tragic elements of the state of Texas, with a cast of characters you’ll love, love to hate and be sometimes hilariously confounded by.”

Cantwell and Casalanguida are joined by colorist Giada Marchisio and letterer AndWorld Design on the project.

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Dark Horse will wrap up ‘She Could Fly’ with a graphic novel

The third chapter of Christopher Cantwell and Martín Morazzo’s Berger Books title will arrive all at once, in October.

Christopher Cantwell, Martín Morazzo and Miroslav Mrva will soar once more with the final volume of She Can Fly in October. She Could Fly: Fight or Flight will be released as an original graphic novel through Dark Horse’s Berger Books imprint, wrapping up the story of Luna — who finally gets to fly.

“Luna finally gets to fly, and we fly with her in this storytelling tour-de-force from Christopher, Martin and Mirsolav,” said Karen Berger, who oversees the Berger Books imprint. “It’s an emotional and thrilling finale that totally captured my heart.”

She Could Fly debuted as a miniseries back in 2018, and was followed by a second miniseries, She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot, in 2019. While both were released as single issues and then later collected, the third volume will be released as a single collection, much like the finales of two other Berger Books titles, Invisible Kingdom and The Seeds.

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Cantwell + Eaglesham defect to ‘The United States of Captain America’

New miniseries celebrates the 80th anniversary of the character.

Christopher Cantwell and Dale Eaglesham will reunite several former Captains America to find Cap’s stolen shield in The United States of Captain America, a new miniseries celebrating the character’s 80th anniversary.

“It’s an incredible gift and definitely a creative challenge to take on the character of Captain America, especially during these unprecedented times in our country’s history,” Cantwell told “With this miniseries we’re hoping to explore what the idea of Captain America means at this precise moment—not just on the grand stage of the world—but to everyday and often overlooked communities throughout the United States.”

Steve Rogers will be joined by Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and John Walker — aka Winter Soldier, Falcon and U.S.Agent — on a road trip across America as they search for his iconic shield. Along the way, they’ll introduce new heroes who been inspired by Captain America, and who will be featured in back-up stories.

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Mail Call | Fantastic Four take a ‘Road Trip’ in December

A round-up of news from DC, Marvel, Image and more.

Fresh from saving the Earth from being destroyed by the sun in Empyre, the Fantastic Four will get a much-needed vacation in a one-shot by new Iron Man scribe Christopher Cantwell and artist Filipe Andrade. It’s titled Fantastic Four: Road Trip, and it features family fun, a station wagon … and a Reed Richards experiment gone wrong.

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Cantwell + CAFU take over ‘Iron Man’

Tony Stark will don Alex Ross-designed armor in a new series coming this fall.

When Iron Man blasts off this fall in a new series by Christopher Cantwell (Doctor Doom) and CAFU (Jane Foster: Valkyrie), it’ll be Tony Stark once again wearing the armor, in a new suit designed by Alex Ross (Kingdom Come, Marvels).

According to, Tony is “putting away his high-tech toys and high-profile image so he can get his hands dirty again. But can he really lay that Stark-sized ego down? Life isn’t always that simple, something that old friends and frustrating foes are quick to point out.  If you strip a billionaire down to his bolts, does he run solid…or just overheat?”

The series follows the conclusion of the Iron Man 2020 miniseries, which features Tony’s brother Arno as Iron Man. The final three issues of that series will come out this summer.

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Quarantine Comix to be collected in September

‘Ice Cream Man Presents: Quarantine Comix’ #1 will collect stories by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo, Chris O’Halloran and more.

If you’ve been waiting for all the fun Quarantine Comix released by the Ice Cream Man team to come to print, have I got some good news for you, with sprinkles on top — Image Comics will release Ice Cream Man Presents: Quarantine Comix in September.

Originally started to help raise money for retailers who had to close down their shops during the corornavirus pandemic and shelter-in-place orders, Quarantine Comix was the brainchild of the team behind Image’s crazy horror anthology, Ice Cream Man. W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo, Chris O’Halloran and Good Old Neon created six minicomics that they released and sold online, with half of their profits going to the Book Industry Charitable Foundation, or BINC. Those were followed by a “guest series” that wraps up this week with a new comic by Christopher Cantwell and Eoin Marron.

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You’ve been warned: ‘Doctor Doom’ is coming in October

Look busy.

At Comic-Con International this weekend, Marvel announced that Doctor Doom will return to his own ongoing series, courtesy of Christopher Cantwell and Salvador Larroca.

The story will feature a “conflicted” Doom. “After spending much of his time warning against a trillion-dollar global effort to create the first ‘artificial’ black hole, Doom is now wrestling with visions of an entirely different life and a better future,” said. “But when a massive terrorist attack results in massive casualties, Doom is the prime suspect. What will happen when Doctor Doom is running from the law — and himself?”

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