Marvel celebrates 400 issues of ‘Wolverine’ in April

Saladin Ahmed, Martín Cóccolo and Daniel Warren Johnson celebrate the milestone in an oversized issue.

If you were to go back and count up how many issues of Wolverine Marvel has published, you’d … likely have a hard time deciding what counted as a “Wolverine” comic, given how many one-shots and miniseries he appeared in. Marvel seems to just be counting issues of ongoing series here, and since #300 landed in 2012, it seems to make sense that we’ve now reached issue #400 — or we will with Wolverine #8 in April.

The “massive” issue will include two stories by the series’ creative team, Saladin Ahmed and Martín Cóccolo, along with a third story written and drawn by Do a Powerbomb creator Daniel Warren Johnson.

“A big anniversary issue is always a great excuse to go crazy with reveals and unveilings, and we’ve taken that to heart here!” Ahmed said. “In this over-sized issue an old enemy drives Logan’s new pupil the Wendigo to the brink, Logan finally comes face to face with the cryptic entity known as  the Adamantine, and a stunning new family revelation plants the seeds for the next chaotic chapter of Logan’s life.”

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Thunderbolt Ross faces off with Doom in Benjamin Percy + Geoff Shaw’s ‘Red Hulk’

The One World Under Doom tie-in series begins in February.

The Sabretooth War team of Benjamin Percy and Geoff Shaw are moving to a new front, as they put the Red Hulk under the thumb of the new sorcerer supreme Doctor Doom … and as you can imagine, that doesn’t really work for Thunderbolt Ross.

Red Hulk #1 arrives in February, right around the time the character will make an appearance in the fourth Captain America movie. It’ll tie into Marvel’s bigger publishing initiative, One World Under Doom.

“When I learned about the One World Under Doom event, my mind immediately went to Thunderbolt Ross,” Percy said. “A global takeover would not be tolerated by a man who bleeds red, white and blue (but especially red). And his experience—as a soldier in the field, as a military strategist in the war room, as a walking weapon of mass destruction—would make him someone Doom would target well before he made his move.”

So Ross is Doom’s pick for his secretary of defense — I can think of worse choices. At least he’s qualified, right?

“I proposed a story in which Ross would be kidnapped by Doom and forced into a ‘Think Tank’ prison in which he would test out various war-time scenarios,” Percy said. “That’s where we begin: in a book that does not give you a second to breathe. It moves and moves and moves with constant action and tension.”

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Deadpool and Wolverine team up in ‘WWIII’ this May

Joe Kelly and Adam Kubert return to two characters they know very well in this three-issue miniseries.

Joe Kelly, one of the creators who helped define the character of Deadpool, and Adam Kubert, who has drawn more than his fair share of panels featuring Wolverine, will bring the two characters together in Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII this May.

The announcement landing this week is perfectly timed, in a “Why didn’t he propose to her after the game?” kind of way, what with the new trailer that was released last Sunday.

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Spider-Man’s gonna have a busy Fall

Marvel reveals more about the upcoming ‘Dark Web’ event, plus Gold Goblin, Hallow’s Eve and more.

As the temperatures cool down, the Spider-Verse will heat up — in San Diego this week, Marvel shared details on several Spider-Man related titles and events that will keep the wall-crawler busy through the end of the year.

First let’s talk about Dark Web, the Spider-Man/X-Men crossover event spearheaded by Zeb Wells that involves the Goblyn Queen and Chasm, aka Ben Reilly. The story will begin in “prelude” issues throughout November (in Amazing Spider-Man, for example), followed by December’s Dark Web Alpha #1 where Wells will be joined by Adam Kubert to kick things off in earnest. From there, the story continues in Amazing Spider-Man as well as various tie-in one-shots and limited series.  

Marvel released the cover for Dark Web Alpha, by Ryan Stegman. Here’s his line art:

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Wolverine gets a fun new partner for ‘Destiny of X’

Following ‘X Lives of Wolverine/X Deaths of Wolverine,” Benjamin Percy and Adam Kubert will bring together Deadpool and Wolverine for a wild team-up.

Following the events of X Lives of Wolverine/X Deaths of Wolverine, which kicks off later this month, Benjamin Percy and Adam Kubert will continue as the creative team on Wolverine as the Canadian mutant picks up a new partner — Deadpool.

The team-up kicks off in April’s Wolverine #20, which returns after a brief hiatus due to the X Lives/X Deaths miniseries and is part of the Destiny of X line-up.

“For 10 weeks, the X Lives of Wolverine/X Deaths of Wolverine will take readers on an epic, time-shredding adventure that sets up the next era of the mutant books: Destiny of X. How do you follow up something like that? You keep raising the bar higher. Readers will not only experience a non-stop thrill ride, starting in April, but a kickoff story that is as irreverent and hilarious as it is heart-bruised,” Percy told “We’ve been teasing Deadpool for some time now, and he’s bullying his way into the pages of Wolverine for a wild (and reluctant) team-up that feels like some cousin to Midnight Run and The Fugitive. Get ready for more Maverick mayhem, more CIA spycraft, and more DANGER (yes, you read that right) at every turn.”

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The next X-Men era, Destiny of X, kicks off in the spring

Following ‘Inferno” and January’s dual Wolverine miniseries comes ‘The Second Krakoan Age of X-Men.’

Marvel has put a name to what they’re referring to as “The Second Krakoan Age of X-Men”: Destiny of X. This new era of X-comics will feature several new titles, creative team changes and “revolutionary status quo changes” for the few remaining titles in the X-line-up.

“The journey of the Krakoan Age is far from over!” Senior Editor Jordan D. White told “Our long-term plan that all our creators have been working on in our secret Council Chamber has only just begun to come to fruition. With the filling of the two empty council seats, the Reign of X has ended, and it’s time for mutantkind to reach for their destiny!”

Marvel shared some teaser art by Leini Francis Yu and Sunny Gho, which also lists the titles you can expect to see next year:

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Mail Call | Wolverine, Ninja Turtles, Star Trek and more

A round-up of news from DC, Marvel, Dark Horse and more.

Mail Call is a roundup of the announcements we’ve received from comics publishers in our mailboxes recently. Hit the links for more information.

Marvel has announced Wolverine: Black, White & Blood, a second series starring Marvel’s favorite mutant.

“I can’t stress how exciting it is getting all of these pages from the absolutely killer level of talent assembled for this book,” said series editor Mark Basso. “It’s become a hype cliché, but you’ve really never seen anything quite like this from Marvel Comics. And you’ve only seen a fraction of the first issue…”

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Wolverine slashes his way into ‘Dawn of X’ with a new title

Benjamin Percy, Adam Kubert and Viktor Bogdanovic will chronicle new tales of the Marvel mutant.

Benjamin Percy, Adam Kubert and Viktor Bogdanovic will team up to bring Wolverine back to his own ongoing title, starting in February. The new title will be part of the “Dawn of X” line announced this past summer in San Diego.

“We all have that character,” Percy told “The one we love more than any other. The one we treasure in books and movies and maybe memorialize with a T-shirt or tattoo. The one we relate to as a cracked-mirror version of ourselves. For me—as a growly, grumpy, hairy, smelly, muscled, flannel-clad, whiskey-swilling loner who lives in the woods of the frozen north—it’s Logan. And though this might sound corny, it also feels right to say that writing Wolverine is a dream come true, a childhood fantasy realized. No kidding, bub.”

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