Sam Humphries + Ton Lima bring together a new team of Thunderbolts

Marvel adds a cinematic asterisk to ‘New Thunderbolts*’ in June, as Winter Soldier and Black Widow lead a team of ‘dangerous loners and antiheroes.’

Just in time for the debut of Thunderbolts* on the big screen, Marvel has announced New Thunderbolts*, an ongoing series by Sam Humphries and Ton Lima that’ll debut in June.

The title marks Humphries’ return to Marvel after an absence of about five years or so, as he works with up-and-comer Lima on the title. And while the Thunderbolts have returned recently as a part of One World Under Doom — bringing together a mix of original team members and characters who will appear in the Thunderbolts* film — this title features a cast of characters not normally associated with the team, except for Bucky Barnes and Black Widow.

“I love every iteration of Thunderbolts,” Humphries said. “I’m thrilled to continue the franchise’s proud tradition of hard hitting action, powder keg personalities, and explosive surprises into a new era. This is a gang of seven of the biggest badasses and loose cannons from different corners of the Marvel Universe. Assembling a super team is like inviting the right combination of guests to a dinner party. So I imagined a dangerous, disastrous, unhinged Marvel dinner party, and went with that.”

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Marvel celebrates 400 issues of ‘Wolverine’ in April

Saladin Ahmed, Martín Cóccolo and Daniel Warren Johnson celebrate the milestone in an oversized issue.

If you were to go back and count up how many issues of Wolverine Marvel has published, you’d … likely have a hard time deciding what counted as a “Wolverine” comic, given how many one-shots and miniseries he appeared in. Marvel seems to just be counting issues of ongoing series here, and since #300 landed in 2012, it seems to make sense that we’ve now reached issue #400 — or we will with Wolverine #8 in April.

The “massive” issue will include two stories by the series’ creative team, Saladin Ahmed and Martín Cóccolo, along with a third story written and drawn by Do a Powerbomb creator Daniel Warren Johnson.

“A big anniversary issue is always a great excuse to go crazy with reveals and unveilings, and we’ve taken that to heart here!” Ahmed said. “In this over-sized issue an old enemy drives Logan’s new pupil the Wendigo to the brink, Logan finally comes face to face with the cryptic entity known as  the Adamantine, and a stunning new family revelation plants the seeds for the next chaotic chapter of Logan’s life.”

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NYCC | ‘Ultimate Wolverine’ is the Maker’s ultimate weapon in a new series coming next year

Chris Condon and Alessandro Cappuccio’s ‘Ultimate Wolverine’ will launch in January 2025

Marvel’s Ultimate Universe is getting a new but familiar addition this January, as today at the New York Comic Con the publisher announced Ultimate Wolverine by the team of Chris Condon and Alessandro Cappuccio.

Like many of the inhabitants of the Ultimate Universe, Wolverine’s a bit different in this universe than he is in the 616. Sporting the codename “The Winter Soldier,” this Wolverine isn’t in control of himself — he’s an agent of three members of the Maker’s council, Magik, Colossus and Omega Red. To ensure they maintain control of a world that now has superheroes running around and causing a raucous, they unleash him to do all those things that he’s best at.

“When Wil Moss called me and asked me if I wanted to take on this title, I jumped at the chance and immediately had an idea of what to do with it,” said Condon. “I’m bringing my essence of storytelling from That Texas Blood to the Marvel Universe with Wolverine, looking back at what came before and bringing us something new.”

(If you haven’t read That Texas Blood, by the way, it’s one of my first go-to “This is the comic you should be reading” recommendations whenever someone asks.)

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Phillip Kennedy Johnson + Adam Gorham unleash ‘Hellhunters’ this winter

The five-issue miniseries spinning out of ‘Incredible Hulk’ begins in December.

Phillip Kennedy Johnson’s run on Incredible Hulk has introduced all sorts of new monstrous characters into the Marvel universe, with one of them being a World War II era Ghost Rider — Sergeant Sal Romero, who fought the Nazis alongside several other Marvel characters you might recognize. Now Sergeant Ghost Rider is getting an origin story, courtesy of Johnson and artist Adam Gorham.

“Ghost Rider ’44 is definitely my favorite guest star that’s appeared in our Incredible Hulk series so far,” Kennedy Johnson said. “I had a fully-realized origin story for Sergeant Sal Romero in my head before my partner Nic Klein brought him to life with his art, and the character turned out so unbelievably cool and fun, we knew the ‘War Devil’ arc wouldn’t be his last appearance.”

The five-issue miniseries, Hellhunters, will feature appearances by Wolverine, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Bucky Barnes, and, from the pages of Jason Aaron’s Avengers, Soldier Supreme.

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Can’t Wait for Wednesday | A double dose of Wolverine

Check out new comics and graphic novels arriving this week by Chip Zdarsky, David Brothers, Marcus To, Matt Wilson, Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, Kev Walker, Saladin Ahmed, Martin Coccolo, Stephanie Williams, Khary Randolph, Matt Bors, Ben Clarkson, Aaron Alexovich and more.

Welcome to Can’t Wait for Wednesday, your guide to what comics are arriving in comic book stores, bookstores and on digital.

This week brings two new first issues featuring Wolverine, as he returns in a new ongoing series as well as a Venom Wars tie-in. We’ve also got the final issue of Star Wars, a new Groo series and the return of Justice Warriors.

I’ve pulled out some of the other highlights for this week below, but for the complete list of everything you might find at your local comic shop and on digital this week, you’ll want to check out one or more of the following:

As a reminder, things can change and what you find on the above lists may differ from what’s actually arriving in your local shop. So always check with your comics retailer for the final word on availability.

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‘Hellverine’ races into an ongoing series this December

Benjamin Percy will continue to chronicle the adventures of the Wolverine/Ghost Rider mash-up, joined by artist Raffaele Ienco.

Hellverine, the Wolverine/Ghost Rider mash-up that debuted in last year’s Wolverine/Ghost Rider crossover and then landed his own miniseries, will continue to blaze a trail through the Marvel Universe in an ongoing series.

His co-creator, Benjamin Percy, will continue to write the character, joined by artist Raffaele Ienco. Initially Hellverine was a demon-possessed Wolverine, but Logan’s inner heroism turned the demon good. After Logan’s son Akihiro, a.k.a. Daken, was killed by Sabretooth, the demon brought him back to life as the new Hellverine.

“I had so much fun expanding the mythos of the demon Bagra-ghul and finding a way to not only bring Akihiro back from his savage death in Sabretooth War, but to explore some fresh possibilities for a complicated character I’ve always loved. And now? There’s more mayhem and occultism and hellfire on the horizon. I’m grateful to readers and retailers for their support, because a Hellverine ongoing is coming your way. I’m joining forces with powerhouse artist Raffaele Ienco, and we’ve got huge, horrifying plans for the Hellverine and his role in the 616,” Percy said.

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Nova 2099’s story will continue in October in ‘Conquest 2099’

Spinning out of ‘Annihilation 2099,’ the new miniseries will feature Dracula 2099, Spider-Man 2099 and more.

Marvel introduced — or, actually, re-introduced; sorry, it’s complicated — Nova 2099 this past week in the pages of Annihilation 2099, another miniseries penned by Steve Orlando and set in Marvel’s futuristic cyberpunk universe. But this new character wasn’t so new — the first issue revealed that under the helmet, Nova 2099 is actually …

(I should add a SPOILERS WARNING and a jump here …)

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Slugfest | BOOM! celebrates 25 years of ‘Farscape’

Plus: ‘Life,’ ‘Remote Space,’ Fantagraphics’ fall schedule, Minecraft, Dog Man and more.

Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you. Hit the links for more information.

Farscape, the Australian-American science fiction television series created by Rockne O’Bannon and the Jim Henson Company that ran on SciFi, will return to comics in August courtesy of BOOM! Studios, who published the previous Farscape series.

The 25th anniversary special one-shot will be the first Farscape comic published since 2010, and it’ll feature stories by  Keith R.A. DeCandido, who wrote many of BOOM!’s previous Farscape comics, along with Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly, Sarah Gailey, Sina Grace and more.

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Slugfest | Wolverine seeks ‘Revenge’ in Marvel’s August solicitations

We run through Marvel’s August solicitations, which include Venom War, Phases of the Moon Knight, Blood Hunters and more.

Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you, with this edition focusing on Marvel’s August 2024 announcements. Hit the links for more information.

Marvel’s solicitations for August landed late last week, right before the long weekend here in the U.S. (which I made even longer!) so let’s catch up on all the new stuff they plan to release in the last month of the summer. Just like I did with DC, I’ll hit the titles I haven’t previously covered. You can read about Spider-Society, the Iron Fist 50th anniversary anthology, Storm joining the Avengers and Rob Liefeld’s final Deadpool comic elsewhere on the site.

Now let’s get to it …

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Rob Liefeld’s final Deadpool comic kicks off in August

The five-issue miniseries ‘Deadpool Team-Up’ brings the character together with Wolverine, Spider-Gwen, Crystar and more.

It seems like Deadpool is all about the team-ups these days. Not only will he and Wolverine buddy it up in their big road trip movie this summer, but now Marvel has announced that Rob Liefeld’s final Deadpool comic will bring the Merc with a Mouth together with several friends, new and old, in this miniseries.

Deadpool Team-Up will be written and drawn by Liefeld, who is also doing the covers. As for who exactly Deadpool is teaming up with, it’s an eclectic mix of Marvel mainstays and obscure choices: Wolverine, the Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Crystar (the Crystal Warrior!) and Major X, another Liefeld creation.

“Everyone has that one comic with that obscure character that they always wanted more of,” Liefeld said. “l, myself, have several of these and I pulled them from relative obscurity from the deepest corners of the Marvel Universe and placed them next to Deadpool, right at the center of an all new, cataclysmic adventure!”

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Saladin Ahmed + Martín Cóccolo bring Wolverine back to his roots in September

Part of the ‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ line, the new title kicks off in September.

Marvel has announced that Daredevil writer Saladin Ahmed and “Stormbreakers” artist Martín Cóccolo will helm the new Wolverine title that will launch in September as a part of the X-Men: From the Ashes initiative.

According to, Wolverine will “turn his back on humanity, mutantkind and the X-Men” in the new series following the end of Krakoa and the “Sabretooth War” storyline that will finish out his current title. Which seems counter to the fact that he’s one of the characters in Gail Simone and David Marquez’s Uncanny X-Men title.

In any event, the new series finds Logan in the Canadian wilderness, where he’s back with his wolfpack and being attacked by his most hated foes, one by one, at the bequest of some ancient villain that “has been bubbling under the surface of the Marvel Universe since the days of myth.”

“Logan is simultaneously a mythic hero, an abused animal, and a man of flesh, blood, and adamantium,” Ahmed said. “Our story is about what happens when these parts of him all pull in opposite directions – and threaten to rip Logan to pieces that won’t come back together again.”

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Quick Hits | Medar de la Cruz wins the Pulitzer for Illustrated Reporting and Commentary

Plus: Cartoonist sue Google over AI, Civics for All Comics Group celebrates 2 million comics, Mark Evanier on who created Wolverine and more!

Medar de la Cruz has won this year’s Pulitzer Prize in the Illustrated Reporting and Commentary category. The Brooklyn-based illustrator won for the illustrated story “The Diary of a Rikers Island Library Worker,” which appeared in the New Yorker last May. De la Cruz is an artist who also works in New York City jails as a library assistant for the Brooklyn Public Library. Phones and cameras aren’t allowed inside Rikers Island, so his drawings are based on his memories of the prison.

The other finalists in the category this year included Claire Healy, Nicole Dungca and Ren Galeno for “Searching for Maura,” which appeared in the Washington Post; “Is My Toddler A Stochastic Parrot?” by Angie Wang, which appeared in the New Yorker; and Clay Bennett of the Chattanooga Times Free Press, for a “portfolio of deceptively gentle, mostly wordless cartoons full of juxtapositions that ably communicate complex, sophisticated messages.” You can see some of them here. Bennett also recently received a National Headliner Award, which recognizes journalism in a multitude of categories, in the Editorial Cartoon category.

This is the third year now where the Pulitzers have given awards in the Illustrated Reporting and Commentary category. It replaced the Editorial Cartoons category in 2022.

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